Parasites - gelminta and lembli

Parazitosis is a separate group of diseases that are caused by sanitary or gelmints (charities). According to statistics, helmintosis and lemblios are found in 78 to 80 per cent of pre-school and school-age children. Parasitic worms and membership poison the organisms with their vitality, causing damage to vital systems and bodies.

Liambli and glisters - differences and similarities

gelmint1.jpgMany people are mistakenly suggesting that the lymblin is the variety of gelmints that parasite in the stomach-kischen tract. Both microorganisms are parasites and infiltrate in the same way. However, glisters and lemblins are representatives of different classes, which differ in the structure and degree of harm to the health of the child:

  • Liambli (Gyardia) is the jugic steep that parasites in a slimy thintestine. Single-cell micro-organisms may exist in two forms:
  1. dispute is the conversion of hyardia into a cyst when unfavourable conditions arise. In such a form, it remains active in the outside environment, and in the event of infiltration into the living organisms begin to develop;
  2. Vegetative is the active development of hyardia inside the bowel, from which it receives all the nutrients needed for growth and reproduction.
  • Gelmints (glusts) are parasite worms that can hit almost all types of tissue. There are more than 400 varieties of glaciers, but they all belong to one of the following types:
  1. The ribbons are echinoc, a wide literian, a pork chain;
  2. Soilers are triatodes;
  3. round worms are toxocara, oysters, bosses.

The contaminating of children with parasites occurs when contaminated cylinders and eggs of water or food are used. Gelmint eggs and lemblin christs are dogs and cats. Parasitosis development is facilitated by mosquitoes, flies and other insects that carry askarid eggs, ejinocca eggs, etc.

Clinical painting in lembliosis (hyardiasis)

Parasite infection is more commonly diagnosed among children between the ages of 1 and 4. In about 30 per cent of cases, parasites are unsymptomatic and detected during the diagnosis of another disease in laboratory testing. Children ' s typical symptoms of hyardiasis include:

  • Reducing appetite;
  • Meteorism;
  • Dizziness;
  • Bad dream;
  • Loss of weight;
  • chair violation;
  • irritability;
  • Puppet pain;
  • Discomfort in epigast;
  • Increasing liver;
  • Discinesis of desired paths;
  • Allergic dermatitis.

Little kids have a lot more lambiosis than adults. Intoxication of organisms with hydrational life products results in a change in the colour of the face, a warm rash and dark circles under the eyes. The blood sample shows an eosinophiles concentration in plasma. In the gross masses, parasites are not always detected, owing to their development cycle.

Clinical gelmintosis

gelmint2.jpgGelmintosis symptoms occur in two to four weeks after the parasite enters the child. Some 1/3 of the patients show signs of parasitesis low, but the toxic effects of their products are not stopped. Children ' s main manifestations of gelmintosis include:

  • fever;
  • Examinational discharges;
  • person ' s strength;
  • Liquid chair;
  • lymphdenopia;
  • Meteorism;
  • stomach spas;
  • nervousness;
  • Insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue.

Note: Immuno-deficiency, avitaminosis and mineral deficiency contribute to the development of associated helmintosis complications.

With massive invasions, vital organs are being defeated, as evidenced by the development of myocarditis, plevneumonia, meningoencephalitis, etc. The degree of eosinophilia in gelmintosis depends on the immune status of the patient and the intensity of the infection.

Lambliosis treatment

Lambliosis therapy does not begin with the taking of anti-opatric drugs, as this may lead to serious toxic and allergic complications. The treatment is therefore carried out in three stages:

  1. Compliance with the dietary programme over 14 days helps to eliminate toxicosis. In order to improve the fermental activity of the bowel and increase the general immunity, it is necessary to include in the diet greasy, potato, dry fruit and vegetable oil. In order to reduce the concentration of toxins in blood, children are appointed by interosorbents, glued and anti-histamine drugs;
  2. Intensive anti-opatric therapy helps to eliminate active lemblin and cyst. Macmiror, Trichopol, Ornidasol are commonly used for the destruction of the lowest;
  3. In order to improve the peristicality of the bowel, it is recommended to include in the menu cissive products, large pots and liver apples. The immune system of the child can be strengthened with the help of prebiotics, olithians and plant adaptors.

With a sharp lembliosis, a one-stage treatment scheme for anti-opatric drugs is set. Among the most effective are Albendazol, Tinidasol, Mecaprine, Furasolidon, etc.

Helmintosis treatment

gelmint3.jpgThe principles of degelmintization are defined by the variety of parasites that have caused disease. The main objective of prevention and treatment is to reduce the number of glitters in the intestines and to strengthen non-specialist immunity. The following groups of medicines may be used to destroy glaciers:

  • Anti-monopotic - Wermox, Mintesole;
  • anti-cetoids - Prasikwantel, Fenasan;
  • Anti-tremobile - Hlocil, Azinox.

Many of the above-mentioned drugs may cause side effects in the form of anaemia, intestinal bleeding. In order to prevent a deterioration of self-reliance during therapy, it is appropriate to use Neopagen, Methylurazil, Urssan, Colespitol.


Liambli and helmite are representatives of different classes of parasite microorganisms that penetrate people in the same way. The clinical manifestations of gelmintosis and lembliosis are very different, linked to various principles of development and the localization of invasives. The anti-opatric therapy includes various drugs aimed at destroying certain types of disease-free microorganisms.

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