
Facial and hair mesotherapy services are available at the K+31 clinic in Moscow. The procedure is carried out by experienced cosmetologists; we use only certified injection drugs.

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About the service

Mesotherapy is the introduction into the dermis of active cocktails of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and other components (these are so-called beauty cocktails, or healing cocktails). It is considered a basic procedure in cosmetology, as it triggers rejuvenation, healing, and regeneration of the skin. This is an effective technique that is universal and, with the correct selection of meso-cocktail, allows you to correct various skin imperfections and has few contraindications. Mesotherapy procedures can be performed for adult patients, both women and men.

Cocktails actively stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increase the tone of your skin, tighten it, smooth out wrinkles, remove bags under the eyes, restore a healthy complexion, improve the general condition of the skin, eliminate fat deposits, have a healing effect, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and elastic. All preparations and components that are included in their composition are introduced only into those areas where it is necessary, they are harmless to the body and combine well with other cosmetic procedures.

About the service

What is facial mesotherapy and how does it work?

The classic procedure is carried out by injection - drugs are injected into the skin with thin needles. Useful components are delivered precisely to the target to the middle and deep layers of the dermis, which are responsible for the youth, health and well-groomed appearance of the skin.

One of the most important components of mesotherapy preparations is hyaluronic acid. It retains water molecules and thereby moisturizes the skin. Thanks to such injections, you can get rid of wrinkles, pigmentation, scars, scars and stretch marks, acne marks, spider veins, cellulite, sagging and other cosmetology problems. But since one injection contains a small amount of active substances, to achieve the best effect you need to undergo a course of procedures.

The number of sessions depends on the problem, skin condition and desired result. For example, to lose weight using mesotherapy you may need up to 10 procedures, to fight cellulite - up to 15, but bags under the eyes can be removed in 1-4 sessions. If body mesotherapy is necessary, a minimum of 10 procedures will be required. But the first results, for example, that the quality of the skin changes, will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures.

Facial mesotherapy is a procedure that combines 2 mechanisms of action

  • Positive effect of drugs. Ready-made or individually composed meso-cocktails solve a specific problem that the patient is addressing. They may have moisturizing, brightening, rejuvenating, sebum-regulating, lymphatic drainage, vasoactive and other properties.
  • Microtraumas of the skin. Pinpoint punctures with a needle stimulate regenerative processes in the dermis. The main “youth cells”, fibroblasts, are activated, the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers is enhanced, and the structure of the skin improves.

Interesting to know! For those who do not yet want to try beauty injections, there is the option of non-injection mesotherapy. Laser therapy or sonophoresis (ultrasound therapy) is used to carry it out. Active substances penetrate into the dermis without punctures under the influence of physical waves.

What is the difference between mesotherapy and biorevitalization? There are several differences between them. During biorevitalization, injections of gel-like substances are administered under the skin, and for mesotherapy, cocktails are developed that have a liquid consistency. Mesotherapy helps with serious problems, and biorevitalization is more suitable for prevention, although the effect of its procedures lasts longer. Also, the preparations for these procedures differ in the concentration of hyaluronic acid.

Read more about what biorevitalization is

Mesotherapy components

  • Collagen, peptides and growth factors - increase firmness and elasticity, reduce the depth of wrinkles, provide a lifting effect.
  • Vitamin A and vitamin E are powerful anti-aging agents that stimulate cellular regeneration and increase tissue resistance to negative influences.
  • Vitamin C and rutin - strengthen the walls of capillaries, help in the treatment of rosacea and other vascular problems on the face, and have a brightening effect.
  • Organic acids - provide deep hydration, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce inflammatory processes in patients with problem skin.
  • Plant extracts - natural components of aloe, centella asiatica, chamomile, tea tree and other substances beneficial to the skin.
  • A complex of minerals that participate in all biochemical processes in the dermis and serve as conductors for other components.

General information for carrying out
mesotherapy procedures


Given the diverse effects of the procedure, meso is allowed for all patients over 18 years of age. In young people, it helps remove imperfections in problematic skin and prevent age-related changes, and in older age it is used as a powerful anti-age tool.

Meso-cocktail injections are recommended to solve the following skin problems:

  • Dry and dehydrated skin.
  • Signs of photo- and chronoaging.
  • Pigment spots.
  • Dull and uneven complexion.
  • Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes
  • Dilated blood vessels, signs of rosacea.
  • Acne (outside the period of exacerbation) and post-acne.
  • Excessive work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Enlarged pores.
  • The need to restore the skin after chemical peels, laser resurfacing and other invasive procedures.

Mesotherapy for hair has become very popular - injection therapy of the scalp, which delivers beneficial substances directly to the hair follicles. It is recommended for patients with increased hair loss, brittle and dry ends, slow hair growth, and lack of natural shine in their curls.


Like other methods that require breaking the integrity of the skin, the procedure is not suitable for every patient. Therefore, before mesotherapy, you will need to consult a doctor and diagnose the skin to determine possible contraindications. These include:

  • Any types of rashes, skin injuries and sunburn at the site of exposure.
  • Period of exacerbation of chronic dermatoses.
  • Acute infections, fever.
  • Decompensated diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Bleeding disorders.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Allergies.
  • Malignant neoplasms.

The procedure is not prescribed for women during pregnancy and lactation. This applies to both injection and non-injection methods of administering meso-cocktails. Menstrual bleeding is not a contraindication if the patient feels well.

Areas of application

Mesotherapy is most often done on the face, but this technique can be used to solve problems in different areas and areas of the body. For example:

  • Mesotherapy of the neck and décolleté are delicate areas of sensitive skin that are among the first to suffer from age-related changes. Mesococktails help cope with wrinkles, age spots, sagging, gravitational ptosis and other signs of aging.
  • Places of fat deposits and cellulite, namely: stomach, back, hips, shoulders. In these areas, mesotherapy injections remove cellulite, tighten and smooth the skin, remove pits, and break up the knee rolls.
  • Hips and buttocks. Here mesotherapy is aimed at rejuvenating the skin and strengthening it. If there is cellulite in this area, then lipolytics are included in the cocktails.
  • Hands - to rejuvenate them, drugs are injected into their back surface. Mesococktails moisturize the skin, tighten it, remove wrinkles, pigmentation and other defects.
  • Mesotherapy is also used to treat alopecia (hair loss). The injections affect the scalp and stimulate the growth of follicles.

Facial mesotherapy in cosmetology is carried out on all areas: forehead, cheekbones, lips, chin, eye area, etc. It stops aging and removes age-related changes, smoothes wrinkles, removes scars, eliminates vascular manifestations on the skin, bags under eyes, corrects the oval of the face, tightens the skin, increases its tone, restores elasticity and turgor. After a course of facial mesotherapy, noticeable rejuvenation occurs, many skin defects and signs of aging disappear, the complexion becomes even and healthy. Mesotherapy is an effective remedy for acne and post-acne. It also helps tissues recover after many cosmetic and plastic procedures.


The main preparations for mesotherapy in cosmetology are aimed at eliminating the cause of the problem. Depending on the condition of the skin and your age, various auxiliary agents (vitamins, antioxidants, microelements, etc.) can be introduced, thanks to which the absorption of substances by the skin is improved and the result is enhanced.

The composition is developed individually, taking into account the problems that need to be solved, as well as the nature of the treatment area. These can be rejuvenating cocktails, cocktails for cell and tissue regeneration - they improve elasticity, restore skin tone, renew its cells; lifting cocktails increase skin elasticity, eliminate sagging, stretch marks, and correct facial contours; lipolytic cocktails fight fat deposits.

Meso cocktails may contain hydrolyzed collagen and elastin, hyaluron, placenta, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and peptides. They also contain antiseptic agents, which allows you to treat infections and also restore sebum production.

The choice of drug should be made only by a specialist after a thorough examination and conversation, taking into account the condition of the skin, the area to be treated, and the patient’s body.

Types of mesotherapy

Types of mesotherapy in cosmetology differ mainly in the method of delivering cocktails and active substances to the site of their influence.

  • Injection mesotherapy - substances are delivered by injection with very thin needles.
  • Hardware mesotherapy - the skin is treated with a meso cocktail, and then, using a special apparatus on the treated area, the active substances penetrate into the cells.
  • Laser mesotherapy – delivery of meso-cocktails to their destination occurs using a laser.
  • Oxygen mesotherapy - in order for the meso cocktail to penetrate the skin, it is delivered using oxygen, which is under pressure.
  • And others.

How does the mesotherapy procedure work in our clinic?

At the first visit, the doctor consults the patient and selects a drug or combination of compounds that is best suited to solve a specific problem. Next, the clinic specialist explains the procedure plan and expected results.

Mesotherapy includes the following stages:

  1. Removing makeup residue and deep cleansing the skin
  2. Antiseptic treatment of injection sites
  3. Applying superficial (application) anesthesia at the request of the patient
  4. Introducing the required volume of the drug for mesotherapy of the face or hair into problem areas

The entire procedure takes 30-45 minutes, including consultation. The duration of one mesotherapy session is 15–30 minutes. Then the person receives recommendations on skin care and can return to their usual rhythm of life.

Please note! The procedures provide a cumulative effect that increases over several months. To get good “before and after” results, facial mesotherapy is prescribed in courses of 6-10 sessions with intervals of 7-10 days between them.

To avoid unwanted post-procedure reactions, you need to follow simple rules for the recovery period. In the first 2 days, you should not apply decorative cosmetics, use acids or other aggressive home care products. Injection sites are treated with an antiseptic, and creams with a soothing and regenerative effect are used. Also, during the course of procedures, you should protect your face from ultraviolet radiation with SPF cream, and avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.

Mesotherapy at the K+31 clinic

Our clinic provides treatment and comprehensive correction of any aesthetic skin imperfections. Patients have access to modern injection and hardware cosmetology, which includes techniques with scientifically proven effects. All services are carried out by specialists with higher medical education and extensive experience.

Why you should contact the K+31 clinic:

  • Use of certified drugs and procedures.
  • Caring for the safety and comfort of each patient.
  • Attractive prices for facial and hair mesotherapy that correspond to the quality of the services provided.
  • Frequent promotions and discounts that make skin treatments even more affordable.
  • A large number of satisfied patients who leave positive reviews and come back to us again.

All doctors at our clinic take a comprehensive approach to solving aesthetic problems. In addition to mesotherapy, specialists can offer other procedures and a new home care regimen to bring your skin to a healthy state. After visiting the cosmetology office, the reflection in the mirror will delight you more and more. To find out how much mesotherapy costs, if you have any questions or if you would like to make an appointment with a doctor at the K+31 clinic, leave a request in the online form or contact us by phone.

clinic K+31

About the Department of Aesthetic Medicine K+31

Our doctors

Zakirova Gulnara Shokirovna
Experience 12 years
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Gulnara Shokirovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Ivlieva Maria Georgievna
Experience 16 years
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Maria Georgievna
Head of the department of dermatology and aesthetic medicine, dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Miloradova Nataliya Nikolaevna
Experience 19 years
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Nataliya Nikolaevna
Cosmetologist, trichologist
Anoiko Olga Yuryevna
Experience 27 years
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Olga Yuryevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Lebedinskaya Darya Alexandrovna
Experience 8 years
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Darya Alexandrovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Kazantseva Ekaterina Victorovna
Experience 29 years
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Ekaterina Victorovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Katz Ksenia Vladimirovna
Experience 11 years
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Ksenia Vladimirovna
Dermatovenerologist, oncologist
Ilyina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Experience 9 years
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Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist
Andriyako Daria Alekseevna
Experience 12 years
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Daria Alekseevna
Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist
Stepanova Yulia Sergeevna
Experience 15 years
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Yulia Sergeevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Korepanova Maria Viktorovna
Experience 29 years
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Maria Viktorovna
Shumanov Vladimir Arturovich
Experience 6 years
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Vladimir Arturovich
Traumatologist-orthopedist, podologist
Marchenko Elena Viktorovna
Experience 12 years
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Elena Viktorovna
Head of the center for podology and mycology, dermatovenerologist, podologist, cosmetologist
Sukhanova Alexandra Sergeevna
Experience 8 years
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Alexandra Sergeevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Muzhetskaya Anastasia Gennadievna
Experience 10 years
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Anastasia Gennadievna
Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist
Vikulova Victoria Sergeevna
Experience 15 years
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Victoria Sergeevna
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
Teplova Olga Igorevna
Experience 10 years
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Olga Igorevna
Cosmetologist-esthetician, nurse in cosmetology
Chernova (Timoshevskaya) Inessa Andreevna
Experience 3 years
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Chernova (Timoshevskaya)
Inessa Andreevna
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
Mavrova Irina Vasilievna
Experience 14 years
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Irina Vasilievna
Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist
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2GIS Award

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«Good place» according to Yandex

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Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award
Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.

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Subcutaneous injection of drugs for anti-stress mesotherapy session
from 8 500 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of drugs for rejuvenating mesotherapy session
from 8 500 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of drugs for intensive skin hydration
from 8 500 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of drugs for skin whitening effect
from 8 500 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of drugs for skin detoxifying effect
from 9 500 ₽
Mesolifting with DMAE for comprehensive skin correction
from 8 300 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of dermastabilon or similar for local fat deposits correction (1 area)
from 8 300 ₽
Subcutaneous injection of drugs for anti-cellulite skin effect
from 7 500 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Melson 2.0 ml (1 amp))
from 8 000 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Melson 2.0 (1 amp) for 2 or more amps)
from 7 200 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Mesotherapy cocktail “Skinko”)
from 12 100 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Mesotherapy cocktail “Skinko E”)
from 14 300 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Hair loss control mesotherapy cocktail)
from 7 900 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in scalp
from 12 600 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in décolleté area
from 11 100 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in hands
from 9 500 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in face and neck
from 17 300 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in face, neck, and décolleté
from 21 900 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs in scalp and face
from 17 300 ₽
Intradermal injection of drugs (Curacen 2.0 ml (1 amp))
from 12 700 ₽
Intradermal contour correction (mesotherapy)
from 2 400 ₽

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Reviews 10

Dear Elena Viktorovna! I express my sincere gratitude for your amazing work. Here is my story. At the beginning of the year, I went to the clinic, made an appointment with Dr. Elena Viktorovna, for a consultation and treatment of chronic onychodystrophy and onychomycosis of the nails of the big toes. The nail on the toe of my left foot was in terrible condition, I was even ready for its surgical removal. The doctor immediately offered me a treatment system without the terrible removal: correction with a titanium thread, laser therapy, various external drugs and dietary supplements. I began to come to the procedures and follow all the necessary recommendations for treatment. I really like the laser heating procedure for nails, at first it was a little scary, and then even pleasant. The effect of the treatment did not appear immediately, barely noticeable and gradually as the nails grew. After six months, without exaggeration, a miracle happened: the nails acquired a normal, human appearance, and the former nightmare was left in the past. The treatment is still ongoing, but the positive result is obvious. My long-time dream that I will soon be able to walk barefoot openly is coming true. Elena Viktorovna, you are an excellent doctor and a wonderful person. Your main personal trait is your reverent care for the patient, and your professional traits are your golden hands, experience, iron patience and love for work. I am happy that I got treatment from you. I wish you career growth, success in professional development and studies. Thank you very much! In conclusion, I would like to write a few words to the heads of the clinic: Thank you for the good organization of the clinic, I wish you success and further prosperity. Please pay attention to the excellent work of Dr. Marchenko Elena Viktorovna. She is your golden employee! Such a doctor is the pride of the clinic. Please love, encourage and promote her. Sincerely, your client.
Lapshinov Fedor
I express my admiration for the work of the cosmetologist Yegor Evgenievich Makhin. A qualified, competent cosmetologist, an excellent specialist and, what is no less important, a wonderful person. A worthy representative of the young generation of highly qualified specialists! Many thanks to the management of the clinic, in particular, the head of the department S.V. Pivovarova: it is very difficult to find and interest such wonderful doctors. Success and prosperity to you!
Gombolevskaya Svetlana Leonidovna
I am incredibly grateful to Tatyana Viktorovna for putting me into remission of long-term moderate acne; for almost 4 years I have not been bothered by rashes or pain and I have completely stopped using any foundation. Tatyana Viktorovna works for results, the tactics are cooperation with the patient, this includes advice, and answers to the strangest questions, and the coolest thing is that the doctor tells what should be done and why, explaining the processes. I am absolutely confident in my recommendations when I refer friends, girlfriends, acquaintances. The main thing for the patient to know is that they also need to make efforts and maintain discipline to achieve results. And Tatyana Viktorovna will definitely help
Mikhailova Flura
Olga Yurievna, a very competent specialist and a Person with a capital P! Thank you very much for being you!
Bogdan Andrey Vasilievich
Very attentive and qualified doctor. I was very pleased with the reception.
German Mikhail Mikhailovich
An excellent specialist and professional. Polite and courteous doctor. I have been visiting Lyubov Viktorovna for 4 months now. I have diabetes 2 and have foot problems. She helped me a lot. Thanks a lot!
Victoria Nikolaevna Golovko
Thank you very much, Ksenia Vladimirovna, for the high-quality and professional removal of keratomas. Very attentive, polite and pleasant to talk to. Gave clear advice necessary for treatment. The doctor saw me on time at the appointed time.
Pogulyaa Galina Ivanovna
When I was young, I got a tattoo with my husband’s name. After the divorce, there was a desire to remove it. Clinic K+31 attracted my attention because they use modern and reliable equipment, and all the doctors are experienced and certified. At the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist carefully examined the tattoo and said that the tattoo artist had introduced the pigment deeper than necessary, and this would complicate the process of removing it. It took me 8 procedures to completely cleanse my skin. The redness after the sessions went away within 4-5 days. The result met my expectations.
I went to the clinic for a classic bikini. The professional work of the doctor pleases me. I was free after 20 minutes. There were no burns or painful sensations. The hairs began to fall out on their own on the 3rd day.
Swede Maria
I decided to get rid of the tattoo any way I could. Safety and quality of service are always important to me, not price. The doctor at the K+31 clinic recommended removal with the PicoCare 450 laser. It took me 6 sessions to completely remove the image. Thank you for your help!
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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

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K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
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Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


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Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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