Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Multidisciplinary clinic K+31 provides treatment for hyperhidrosis of the face and head, armpits and feet, and other parts of the body. Doctors have experience in treating patients with pathologies of any degree of complexity.

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Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is an unpleasant vegetative pathological condition characterized by increased sweating. This is provoked by many factors or their combinations, some of them are dangerous diseases, in a latent or obvious course. This phenomenon itself is not dangerous, but the health disorders it causes can develop into complicated forms and even threaten life.

Medical Center “K+31” provides medical correction of any condition in which sweating is outside the normal range. We offer competitive prices for medical and cosmetic services of consistently high quality. The clinic often offers discounts, promotions, and package examination programs. Make an appointment with a doctor by phone or online.

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What kind of disease is this, definition, types of pathology

The human body always releases moisture and toxins to the outside, especially at high ambient temperatures. Skin is the largest organ of the human body with powerful barrier, heat regulation, and excretory functions. The ducts of the sweat glands open into pores on the skin surface or into hair follicles. Most sweat glands are located in the armpits, palms and soles. They are necessary to regulate body temperature.

Every person knows what sweating is, especially in sports or during excitement. Normally, this physiological process does not cause any concern. This release of moisture can be controlled using cosmetics and pharmaceutical products - deodorants, alum, herbal lotions.

2.8% of people experience a pathologically strong manifestation of sweating, which can be compared to streams of released water; 50% of them have armpit hyperhidrosis.

Differences in process and location of manifestation
  • Primary process It occurs as an emotionally dependent disorder of the body’s thermoregulation against the background of complete health. In most cases, it manifests itself in the activation of sweat glands in specific places, for example, in the armpits, feet, palms. According to localization, it can be divided into axillary, palmar, plantar, perineal, craniofacial
  • Secondary process Increased sweating, which developed as a result of other pathologies
  • Local hyperhidrosis This form of increased sweating appears, for example, only on the palms, face, and armpits
  • General hyperhidrosis Or generalized, this type of hyperhidrosis affects the entire surface of the body

Causes of hyperhidrosis, triggers of pathological sweating

Primary excessive sweating occurs and manifests itself in childhood, and in adolescence it intensifies under the influence of hormonal changes; it is hereditary. Unlike normal sweating, excessive sweating cannot be suppressed with cosmetics or psychotherapy. Special medical correction is required.

Some causes of secondary hyperhidrosis:

  • Inflammatory, infectious diseases and processes: abscess, pneumonia, tuberculosis, phlegmon.
  • Disorders, imbalance of the endocrine system: thyroid disease, diabetes, malfunction of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, menopausal hot flashes.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Neuroses, mental disorders, nervous system.
  • Heart and vascular failure.
  • Obesity, metabolic errors, metabolism.
  • Diseases of the lymphatic system, lymphostasis, lymphoma.

In some cases, increased sweating occurs due to the following provoking factors:

  • Synthetic clothing, underwear.
  • Uncomfortable, synthetic shoes.
  • Errors in personal hygiene.
  • Inappropriate cosmetics and care products.

Hyperhidrosis often appears during menopause or pregnancy due to changes that occur in hormonal levels.

Important! If you experience excessive sweating, you should not self-medicate. The cause may be serious illnesses, so examination under the supervision of a doctor is necessary.

Signs, symptoms of hyperhidrosis

You can understand that this is hyperhidrosis, and not a short-term disruption of the normal function of sweating, by observing yourself. If you can't put on the clothes you like because your armpits are always wet, then you can already talk about dysfunction and should consult a doctor.

Excessive sweating is often accompanied by other symptoms:


Chronic unpleasant odor, body and clothing stench (bromidrosis; osmidrosis), urine odor (uridrosis)


Dyeing clothes under the armpits with a yellowish tint. Less common are yellow, red-brown, blue, and purple colors of sweat, it all depends on the characteristics of the elements washed out of the body and the reaction of bacteria to sweat


Yellow salt crystals on clothes


Increased heart rate during periods of excessive sweating


Thickening of hairs in the pathological area, the appearance of a reddish, yellowish coating on them


Itching, skin irritation

In rare cases, doctors observe the phenomenon of hematidrosis, or “bloody sweat” on the ankles, legs, and palms. Initially, the skin becomes inflamed and begins to itch. Then pink drops appear on the surface, which over time become bright, scarlet or brown. This is a manifestation of the pathology of capillary walls, which burst, mixing blood with sweat. In this case, you must definitely seek the help of a specialist.

Complications of hyperhidrosis

In addition to the psychological discomfort associated with stains on clothing, hyperhidrosis can often also cause irritation and chafing of areas of the skin where sweating occurs. Hyperhidrosis can lead to inflammation, infection, and fungal diseases. This is due to the fact that areas with high sweating create a warm and humid environment, which is an excellent breeding ground for all kinds of pathogens. And they, in turn, cause not only an unpleasant odor, but also various diseases.

What to do if you sweat heavily?

Correction of this disease depends on the causes that caused it, but in any case it must be complex and long-term. First of all, it is necessary to follow the rules that will improve the patient’s condition:

  • Ensure good hygienic care of wet areas of the body. Moisture is an ideal environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora; complications can include skin infection, acne, and dermatitis.
  • Adjust your diet by excluding most fatty, sweet, canned, salty, smoked foods and spices. Because of these products, sweat may be released more intensely and acquire a foul odor.
  • Learn to manage your emotions, relieve feelings, stress, and anxiety. Spiritual practices - yoga, meditation, self-hypnosis - will help with this. In case of panic attacks, sleep disturbances, or excessive anxiety, it is better to consult a psychologist, psychotherapist, or neurologist.
  • Select clothes, linen, bed linen only from natural fabrics. Choose breathable, highly absorbent socks, comfortable shoes with a minimum of synthetic materials.
  • Drink enough water to replenish its supply in the body. Table mineral water without gas has a good effect; it replenishes the deficiency of microelements in tissues.
  • At home, you can drink herbal soothing decoctions to normalize your condition and sleep. However, it is necessary to understand that these measures will only be effective in combination with a treatment program prescribed by a doctor.
Complications of hyperhidrosis

Diagnosis of hyperhidrosis

Laboratory diagnostic methods

  • General clinical blood tests, urine tests.
  • Determination of blood glucose levels.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, C.
  • Blood test for hormone concentrations (TSH, thyroid hormones, insulin).

How to treat hyperhidrosis will become clear after a thorough examination of the body, a series of laboratory and instrumental studies necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. There are no universal diagnostic methods and tools. The doctor makes prescriptions for each patient based on individual indications. First of all, it is necessary to find out whether hyperhidrosis is a symptom of any pathology.

Blood tests are prescribed to exclude certain chronic diseases that cause sweating, and also to evaluate the general condition of the patient’s body, which is extremely important for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Hardware diagnostic methods

  • Ultrasound of internal organs, thyroid gland, pancreas.
  • CT, MRI of the brain, internal organs, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.
  • Electrocardiogram, EchoCG.

To determine the degree of manifestation of the pathology, iodine-starch testing (test) Minor is carried out in the area in question (for example, in the armpits).

Action algorithm

  1. The patient is placed in a comfortable position on the couch. The examination site is blotted dry with napkins so that no liquid remains on the surface.
  2. The entire surface of the skin in the area under study is lubricated with iodine solution.
  3. Starch is sprinkled evenly onto the skin.
  4. Sweat combines starch with iodine, which results in a purple-blue color of the surface.
  5. The doctor measures the colored area and concludes:
    • Spot area less than 10 cm² – mild degree.
    • 10-20cm² – average degree.
    • More than 20 cm² – severe degree.

Such a test, performed at home, will help determine the extent of the violations. Having fulfilled all the conditions, you can see with your own eyes whether it is time to treat hyperhidrosis.

Timely correction of this problem will help to significantly improve the quality of life, get rid of complexes and aesthetically unattractive features.

How to treat hyperhidrosis? Treatment methods


In case of primary disease, the dermatologist selects special enhanced antiperspirants, these can be ready-made cosmetics or a prescription mixture. The purpose of their use is to limit the release of moisture from the skin, to treat wet areas (armpits, palms, feet) to destroy pathogens and relieve odor.

If the manifestation is moderate, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy, using iontophoresis and electrophoresis.

Are there pills for hyperhidrosis? Therapeutic agents:

  • Anticholinergic tablets for hyperhidrosis of the whole body or local areas.
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • Sedatives, hypnotics.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Therapeutic baths for hyperhidrosis of the feet and palms.


This treatment method is used in combination with others. It works well if the pathology is caused by an imbalance in the emotional and mental sphere. The psychotherapeutic approach is effective in the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the face and head.

It is better to undergo the treatment program in a reputable clinic with a qualified psychotherapist.


Injection of botulinum toxin into the area of excessive sweating is effectively used in the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. The procedure is unpleasant, but the effect lasts 6–8 months, in some cases up to a year, allowing you to forget about your problem during this time.

Anti-sweating injections cannot be given under the following conditions:

  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  • Pathology of muscles, nervous tissue.
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Taking anticoagulants.
  • Blood clotting disorders.


Exposure to an area of skin with neodymium laser radiation helps destroy sweat glands without affecting the overall functionality of the skin. The sweat glands in the subcutaneous fat layer are removed, which stops the excretory function of this area.

Before the procedure, the doctor carefully calculates the amount of laser work, because more than 80% of the glands cannot be removed, otherwise thermoregulation will be completely disrupted.

Microwave thermolysis

The method is similar to laser therapy, only it uses microwaves of a certain frequency as the influencing force. The effect is carried out immediately on all sweat glands - apocrine and eccrine - without affecting the surrounding tissues.


Surgical intervention is performed in cases of severe pathology, when other methods have not produced the desired results. The operation is called sympathectomy, it involves the controlled destruction of neural connections, which leads to loss of signal between the central nervous system and peripheral nerves. Special clips are used to compress the nerve.

However, this is not a panacea, because in most cases the body compensates for the failure of the function of one area by enhancing the same function in another. The surgical method requires precise calculation, which can be performed by an experienced surgeon.

Prevention of hyperhidrosis

There is no special prevention program for this disease, but to reduce excessive sweating it is recommended:

  • Wearing loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
  • When wearing closed shoes, it is mandatory to wear socks made from natural fabrics and change socks regularly.
  • Walking barefoot from time to time.
  • Shower regularly (if you sweat excessively, it is very important to follow the rules of hygiene to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi).
  • Control of emotional state in stressful situations.
  • Avoiding foods that increase sweating (very hot drinks, spicy foods, etc.); if you are overweight, you need to radically change your eating habits.
  • Use of antiperspirants and wet wipes.

Regarding the last point, it is important to understand the difference between antiperspirant and deodorant. While the former blocks the sweat glands, the latter only masks the odor. But both products contain bactericidal substances that inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria. In case of excessive sweating, antiperspirant should be applied in the evening, not in the morning, i.e. when the sweat glands are least active and it is easier for the active substances to penetrate the excretory ducts.

Treatment of excessive sweating
in K+31 (Moscow)

Multidisciplinary clinic K+31 provides treatment for hyperhidrosis of the face and head, armpits and feet, and other parts of the body. Doctors have experience in treating patients with pathologies of any degree of complexity.

We eliminate cosmetic defects and diseases using modern treatment protocols and advanced equipment. Before choosing a program, specialists study the causes of the pathological condition, its severity, and take into account all individual factors of age and health.

You can make an appointment with any specialist, diagnostic, or cosmetic procedures by calling the phone number listed on the official website of the K+31 clinic. There you can also fill out a feedback form, send a request and wait for a clarification call from the administrator.

Treatment of excessive sweating<br>in K+31 (Moscow)

About the Department of Aesthetic Medicine K+31

Our doctors

Ivlieva Maria Georgievna
Experience 16 years
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Maria Georgievna
Head of the department of dermatology and aesthetic medicine, dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Zakirova Gulnara Shokirovna
Experience 12 years
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Gulnara Shokirovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Miloradova Nataliya Nikolaevna
Experience 19 years
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Nataliya Nikolaevna
Cosmetologist, trichologist
Anoiko Olga Yuryevna
Experience 27 years
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Olga Yuryevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Lebedinskaya Darya Alexandrovna
Experience 8 years
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Darya Alexandrovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Kazantseva Ekaterina Victorovna
Experience 29 years
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Ekaterina Victorovna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist
Katz Ksenia Vladimirovna
Experience 11 years
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Ksenia Vladimirovna
Dermatovenerologist, oncologist
Ilyina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Experience 9 years
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Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist
Andriyako Daria Alekseevna
Experience 12 years
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Daria Alekseevna
Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist
Stepanova Yulia Sergeevna
Experience 15 years
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Yulia Sergeevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Korepanova Maria Viktorovna
Experience 29 years
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Maria Viktorovna
Shumanov Vladimir Arturovich
Experience 6 years
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Vladimir Arturovich
Traumatologist-orthopedist, podologist
Marchenko Elena Viktorovna
Experience 12 years
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Elena Viktorovna
Head of the center for podology and mycology, dermatovenerologist, podologist, cosmetologist
Sukhanova Alexandra Sergeevna
Experience 8 years
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Alexandra Sergeevna
Dermatologist, cosmetologist, trichologist
Muzhetskaya Anastasia Gennadievna
Experience 10 years
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Anastasia Gennadievna
Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist
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Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.


Intracutaneous contour plastic surgery (Injection procedure with Dysport (treatment of hyperhidrosis) 1 unit)
from 340 ₽
Intracutaneous contour plastic surgery (Injection procedure with Botox (treatment of hyperhidrosis) 1 unit)
from 700 ₽
Intracutaneous contour plastic surgery (Injection procedure with Xeomin (treatment of hyperhidrosis) 1 unit)
from 700 ₽

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Reviews 10

Dear Elena Viktorovna! I express my sincere gratitude for your amazing work. Here is my story. At the beginning of the year, I went to the clinic, made an appointment with Dr. Elena Viktorovna, for a consultation and treatment of chronic onychodystrophy and onychomycosis of the nails of the big toes. The nail on the toe of my left foot was in terrible condition, I was even ready for its surgical removal. The doctor immediately offered me a treatment system without the terrible removal: correction with a titanium thread, laser therapy, various external drugs and dietary supplements. I began to come to the procedures and follow all the necessary recommendations for treatment. I really like the laser heating procedure for nails, at first it was a little scary, and then even pleasant. The effect of the treatment did not appear immediately, barely noticeable and gradually as the nails grew. After six months, without exaggeration, a miracle happened: the nails acquired a normal, human appearance, and the former nightmare was left in the past. The treatment is still ongoing, but the positive result is obvious. My long-time dream that I will soon be able to walk barefoot openly is coming true. Elena Viktorovna, you are an excellent doctor and a wonderful person. Your main personal trait is your reverent care for the patient, and your professional traits are your golden hands, experience, iron patience and love for work. I am happy that I got treatment from you. I wish you career growth, success in professional development and studies. Thank you very much! In conclusion, I would like to write a few words to the heads of the clinic: Thank you for the good organization of the clinic, I wish you success and further prosperity. Please pay attention to the excellent work of Dr. Marchenko Elena Viktorovna. She is your golden employee! Such a doctor is the pride of the clinic. Please love, encourage and promote her. Sincerely, your client.
Lapshinov Fedor
I express my admiration for the work of the cosmetologist Yegor Evgenievich Makhin. A qualified, competent cosmetologist, an excellent specialist and, what is no less important, a wonderful person. A worthy representative of the young generation of highly qualified specialists! Many thanks to the management of the clinic, in particular, the head of the department S.V. Pivovarova: it is very difficult to find and interest such wonderful doctors. Success and prosperity to you!
Gombolevskaya Svetlana Leonidovna
I am incredibly grateful to Tatyana Viktorovna for putting me into remission of long-term moderate acne; for almost 4 years I have not been bothered by rashes or pain and I have completely stopped using any foundation. Tatyana Viktorovna works for results, the tactics are cooperation with the patient, this includes advice, and answers to the strangest questions, and the coolest thing is that the doctor tells what should be done and why, explaining the processes. I am absolutely confident in my recommendations when I refer friends, girlfriends, acquaintances. The main thing for the patient to know is that they also need to make efforts and maintain discipline to achieve results. And Tatyana Viktorovna will definitely help
Mikhailova Flura
Olga Yurievna, a very competent specialist and a Person with a capital P! Thank you very much for being you!
Bogdan Andrey Vasilievich
Very attentive and qualified doctor. I was very pleased with the reception.
German Mikhail Mikhailovich
An excellent specialist and professional. Polite and courteous doctor. I have been visiting Lyubov Viktorovna for 4 months now. I have diabetes 2 and have foot problems. She helped me a lot. Thanks a lot!
Victoria Nikolaevna Golovko
Thank you very much, Ksenia Vladimirovna, for the high-quality and professional removal of keratomas. Very attentive, polite and pleasant to talk to. Gave clear advice necessary for treatment. The doctor saw me on time at the appointed time.
Pogulyaa Galina Ivanovna
When I was young, I got a tattoo with my husband’s name. After the divorce, there was a desire to remove it. Clinic K+31 attracted my attention because they use modern and reliable equipment, and all the doctors are experienced and certified. At the preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist carefully examined the tattoo and said that the tattoo artist had introduced the pigment deeper than necessary, and this would complicate the process of removing it. It took me 8 procedures to completely cleanse my skin. The redness after the sessions went away within 4-5 days. The result met my expectations.
I went to the clinic for a classic bikini. The professional work of the doctor pleases me. I was free after 20 minutes. There were no burns or painful sensations. The hairs began to fall out on their own on the 3rd day.
Swede Maria
I decided to get rid of the tattoo any way I could. Safety and quality of service are always important to me, not price. The doctor at the K+31 clinic recommended removal with the PicoCare 450 laser. It took me 6 sessions to completely remove the image. Thank you for your help!
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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

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K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
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Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


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Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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