Drug therapy

Cancer chemotherapy, immune and targeted therapy with original
drugs, according to international treatment protocols




Specialists of the department

Igor Alexandrovich

Deputy chief physician for oncology, oncologist
Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ksenia Igorevna

Head of department, oncologist

Pavel Ilyich

Consultant in urology, urologist
Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Sergey Evgenyevich

Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon

Ahmed Mukhamedovich

Urologist, Oncologist
Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Alexei Sergeyevich

Oncogynecology consultant, obstetrician-gynecologist

Oleg Ivanovich

Deputy chief physician for surgery, surgeon

About the department

Peculiarities of cancer treatment in K+31 clinic

In the Department of Drug Therapy of our clinic, oncology is treated with medications and the following services are provided:

  • Cancer chemotherapy.
  • Treatment of cancer with immunotherapy.
  • Treatment with drugs of a hormonal nature.
  • Treatment of cancer with targeted drugs.

The clinics of our medical center also treat other cancers (and not only) diseases with the most modern methods. An important role is given to anticancer drug therapy.

Our advantages:

  • The clinical oncology specialists at our center are highly qualified.
  • An oncology consultation is being held.
  • International drug therapy protocols are observed, foreign and Russian standards are taken into account.
  • The latest generations of foreign and Russian drugs are used for drug therapy and oncology treatment.
  • Modern accompanying cancer treatment is provided, which minimizes the possible side effects of drug therapy.
  • Hospitalization in a 24-hour hospital is provided (optional/necessary).
  • Detailed diagnostics are carried out (the clinic has its own laboratory where blood tests, MRI, CT, mammography, biopsy are performed).
  • It is possible to provide round-the-clock assistance, monitoring and diagnostics.
  • The condition of each patient is monitored between cycles of drug therapy.
  • There is a full-fledged intensive care unit in each medical center of our clinic.
  • Oncological treatment under CHI is available.

Cancer chemotherapy

Drug therapy for malignant tumors allows:

  • Reduce tumor size before surgery or radiation therapy.
  • Improve outcomes of other cancer treatments.
  • Destroy cancer cells that may have remained after surgery.
  • Combat metastasis and tumor recurrence.

Clinical studies have shown that not in all cases, hair falls out after chemotherapy. This side effect causes only a part of the drugs that many patients will not encounter.

Types of chemotherapy for cancer:

  • Neoadjuvant - most often used before surgery to reduce the number of cancer cells.
  • Adjuvant - prophylactic, prescribed after cancer treatment to prevent recurrence.
  • Therapeutic - an independent method of treating cancer with drugs.

The following drugs are used in chemotherapy for cancer, which include:

  • Alkylating antineoplastic anticancer drugs - destroy the DNA of a cancer cell, which leads to its death.
  • Alkylating triazines - prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Antimetabolites cause the death of cancer cells.
  • Anthracycline antibiotics - disrupt the vital processes of cancer cells.
  • Various inhibitors of cancer cell division.

Drugs are often given orally, but are mostly given intravenously (using a catheter) or intramuscularly.

Some drugs act systemically (on the whole body), others locally. After a course of chemotherapy, a period of rehabilitation must necessarily follow. To eliminate or alleviate side effects effects (the most common of which are nausea and vomiting), infectious and other complications, special agents are used.

Chemotherapy is used to treat cancers such as lymphoma, skin melanoma, germ cell tumors, cancer of the lungs, liver, stomach, bladder, intestines. prostate, testis, pancreas, uterus, mammary glands, ovaries.

Targeted Therapy

Many neoplasms have some features that distinguish them from healthy cells. This may be an increased number of receptors on the surface of abnormal cells, some specific mutations, or the activation of certain genes. That is, these cells have a specific target (target - English), which is directed by specially designed targeted drugs. Additional immunohistochemical or genetic studies of the tumor tissue are required to identify targets.

Drug therapy in oncology includes the use of targeted anticancer drugs, which are divided into 2 groups:

  • Monoclonal antibodies (their name ends with "-mab") are intended for intravenous administration.
  • Small molecules of various types (most have names ending in "-nib"), most of which are ingested.

Because these drugs act predominantly on cells with the appropriate targets, the effect on healthy cells is significantly less and the frequency of side effects is significantly lower than with chemotherapy. For example, hair loss is observed only in rare cases. In tumors where there is only one mutation that caused the development of the tumor, the use of a properly selected targeted drug has a very quick positive effect. Improvement occurs within a few days.

hormone therapy

A number of malignant tumors are hormone-dependent, that is, their growth is enhanced under the influence of hormones. First of all, these include tumors of the prostate gland, the body of the uterus, some subtypes of breast cancer.

The task of hormone therapy is to stop the stimulating effect of hormones on the tumor. This is achieved in various ways: the production of hormones in the body can be reduced or the effect of hormones on tumor cells can be blocked.

Unlike chemotherapy, oncology treatment with hormones does not cause direct death of tumor cells due to their damage. Hormone therapy, inhibiting the stimulating effect of hormones, slows down the division of tumor cells until it stops completely. If it is impossible to divide, some of the tumor cells die.

It is prescribed for drug treatment of lung cancer, cancer of the breast, ovaries, uterus, prostate.


  • Neoadjuvant - used before surgery to shrink the tumor.
  • Adjuvant - most often prescribed after the main treatment to prevent recurrence and metastases of cancer in various organs.
  • Therapeutic - is the main method of treating cancer with the help of drugs.

Even in the inoperable stage of cancer, hormone therapy is very effective and can be used as palliative care, reducing pain and prolonging the life of many patients by 3-5 years.


A type of antitumor therapy that is aimed at activating the body's own immune system.

A malignant tumor in the process of its growth releases special immunosuppressive substances that suppress the body's immune system and make the tumor "invisible" to immune cells. This allows it to grow and metastasize freely, while normally these cells should be destroyed by cells of the immune system. Immunotherapy drugs block the action of these immunosuppressive substances and allow the body's immune cells to recognize and destroy the cancer.

Treatment of cancer with immunotherapy drugs is also indicated to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy.

The effectiveness of antitumor treatment with the use of special drugs has long been proven. Doctors of the K+31 clinic develop effective treatment regimens, use the most modern medicines and medical equipment.


ServiceCost, RUB
Прием врача-онколога первичныйfrom 7 800.00 руб.
Прием врача-онколога повторныйfrom 6 700.00 руб.
Консилиум (онкологический)from 18 500.00 руб.
Watch full price


To get advice or write
to an appointment, use one of the following methods:

Doctors Appointment

Location of clinics

K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4
Prospect Vernadskogo metro st.
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00

K+31 West

st. Orshanskaya, 16/2
Molodezhnaya metro st.
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00


To hear the diagnosis of "oncology" for any person is a huge shock, but when you get a consultation with Igor Aleksandrovich, you will understand that this diagnosis is not a sentence. It is very important in such a situation to get to a competent doctor, and most importantly, to a caring, attentive person. This is exactly what Igor Aleksandrovich is. Reassured, explained, answered all questions. I left his office in a state opposite to that in which I was when I came to the reception.



После обследований мне поставили диагноз – рак прямой кишки последней стадии. К сожалению, после курса химиотерапии контрольное обследование показало, что лечение не дало ожидаемого результата.

Доктор Меркулов Игорь Александрович оперативно собрал онкологический консилиум с врачами других специальностей, чтобы определить дальнейшую тактику. Он строгий, но очень внимательный и ответственный специалист. Несмотря на сложности, всегда встречает меня с улыбкой, подбадривает и настраивает на лучшее. По итогам консилиума было принято решение о новом курсе лечения, и я искренне благодарна доктору за поддержку, профессионализм и неравнодушие!

Вера М.


Хочу выразить благодарность высококвалифицированному врачу Игорю Александровичу Меркулову. Обратилась к нему с диагнозом онкозаболевания, надеясь, что он поможет разработать план лечения и снизить риски осложнений после терапии. Доктор внимательно объяснил каждый этап, ответил на все вопросы, не упустив ни одной детали. Его поддержка была ощутима, и особенно важно, что он ясно обозначил дальнейшие шаги и рекомендации. После визита стало значительно легче справляться с болезнью. Огромное спасибо!

Мария Н.


У моего супруга был диагностирован рак поджелудочной железы, и мы решили обратиться к опытному онкологу, ведь это очень серьезное заболевание. Когда он впервые пришел на консультацию к Игорю Александровичу, врач показался ему несколько строгим и жестким. Однако, покидая кабинет, супруг был расслаблен и с улыбкой на лице. Они быстро нашли общий язык, и он понял, что перед ним настоящий профессионал с богатым опытом. После всех обследований и консультаций доктор назначил индивидуальное лечение и инфракрасное излучение, которое принесло значительные улучшения. Супруг очень благодарен врачу и рад, что попал именно к нему.

София К.


Каждый визит к Игорю Александровичу дарит мне надежду на лучшее будущее. Понимаю, что полное выздоровление в моей ситуации невозможно, но его поддержка, верные слова и профессиональный подход вселяют в меня уверенность. Он внимательно следит за течением болезни, учитывает все возможные риски осложнений и всегда предлагает грамотные решения. Для меня важно, чтобы врач оказывал поддержку и находил индивидуальный подход. Игорь Александрович именно такой — сдержанный, деликатный и при этом с ним всегда легко общаться. Я уверена, что с ним мы обязательно добьемся ремиссии, и рак молочной железы отступит. Большое спасибо за поддержку!

Алиса П.


Хочу выразить огромную благодарность этому высококвалифицированному специалисту. Два года назад у моей супруги был диагностирован рак. После полугода химиотерапии мы случайно попали к Игорю Александровичу в "К+31". Он обладает огромным опытом и отличными профессиональными связями. Благодаря его вниманию и знаниям, была проведена органосохраняющая операция и облучение зоны, где находилась опухоль. Доверяйте этому врачу — он точно не подведет и не посоветует ничего плохого.

Владимир К.


I want to thank Alexey Sergeevich for taking on my difficult case and so that it does not remain unique, I will leave such a detailed review, let it help someone. In 2014, an ovarian tumor was found, the tumor and one ovary were removed, according to a biopsy - serous-papillary cystadenoma - a borderline tumor (operated by another doctor, she came to Shevchuk later). In all the leading cancer centers in Moscow, I was strongly recommended to remove both the second ovary and the uterus - it is supposed to treat tumors. By the way, this tumor is not subject to chemotherapy, if anything. At my own peril and risk, I did not do such an operation. In 2018, my husband and I decided to have a child and were faced with the fact that this requires permission from an oncologist (for any help from doctors in the field of reproductive medicine - from hormones to eco). Again, all the oncologists were strongly opposed. But, fortunately, I got an appointment with A.S. Shevchuk, I learned about him from the reproductive specialist. Aleksey Sergeevich suggested that I do a diagnostic laparoscopy to make sure that I do not have a recurrence of the tumor, and then get pregnant and give birth. But still, foci of the same borderline tumor were found. It would seem that there are zero chances of having a child, but Shevchuk A.S. suggested that I freeze the embryos, immediately remove the second ovary and then do IVF. And so they did. And at the end of 2019, I gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby. The delivery was natural, without stimulation and epidurals. So if you are told that you cannot give birth with borderline tumors, do not believe it and go to Shevchuk for an appointment! This is an excellent specialist in his field, who, although he has a lot of experience, never ceases to constantly improve his qualifications in Russia and abroad. Thank you from all our FAMILY !!!



I would like to express my deep gratitude to Alexey Sergeevich! I got to the doctor with cervical cancer at an early stage. Surprisingly calm, collected, serious, but with a subtle sense of humor, and this perfectly defuses the atmosphere with such diagnoses! Alexey Sergeevich also operated on me, 2.5 months have passed and the neck is like new (according to my attending gynecologist, I myself do not understand much about this =). Golden hands, kind heart! Thank you very much!



Alexey Sergeevich is a very qualified doctor. He is ready to assist and assist me in carrying out the operation. I'm glad!



Good evening! I was in the K-31 clinic from January 31 to February 3. I had a very difficult operation. I want to express my deep gratitude, admiration to all the hospital staff, all nurses, maids, and special thanks to the woman who delivered the food. About the conditions in the clinic separately. This is a five-star hotel, where they still treat professionally. And now about the doctors. My attending physician Svetlana Ocharovna Ocharova, who helped the surgeon Alexey Sergeevich Shevchuk during the operation. Thank you for talking with me before the operation, thank you for your life. Anesthesiologist Volkov Denis, well, this is just a positive depressant doctor, many thanks to him, thanks to all resuscitation doctors. Believe me, the first time after the operation to be in intensive care, well, scary is not the right word, but thanks to the doctors you feel completely safe. Head of the gynecological department, Laura Magomedovna Kappusheva, I bow to you. Doctor from God. I am at home and now I will only go to this clinic. Yes, this is a lot of money, but believe me, money can always be earned, and health is our life. After all, this is not a tooth that is sick. And the K-31 clinic has everything you need when it comes to your own life.



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