Ophthalmology and eye microsurgery in Moscow

We diagnose and treat all types of diseases of the organs of vision, including those at the preclinical stage. We carry out a preoperative examination at the eye microsurgery center in Moscow and provide a full range of services
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18 highly qualified specialists, including 6 candidates of medical sciences
Advanced equipment from leading brands from Germany, Japan, the USA and the Netherlands
Every month more than 1000 patients trust us with their health
Ophthalmology and eye microsurgery in K+31

Ophthalmology and eye microsurgery in K+31

In the Department of Ophthalmology and Eye Microsurgery of the K+31 Clinic, the best doctors diagnose and treat all types of diseases of the visual organs, including at the preclinical stage. We successfully treat the vast majority of diseases, including retinal dystrophy, age-related macular degeneration, and many operations are performed on an outpatient basis, without requiring hospitalization. This includes laser vision correction Lasik, lens replacement surgeries, etc.

Highly qualified specialists and advanced equipment of our ophthalmology center, for example, the use of an endothelial microscope, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies, allow surgical interventions to be performed with virtually no pain. Many operations are minimally invasive, low-traumatic and seamless. In particular, this applies to different methods of laser vision correction.

Ultrasound diagnostics, popular in ophthalmology, are available. We can perform optical coherence tomography with angiography function for the anterior segment of the eye, optic nerve or macula, as well as various tests with which the doctor assesses the condition of the eye, monitors the course of the disease or rehabilitation over time, which is especially important in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in the ophthalmology clinic.

We use effective and proven methods of therapeutic treatment in the ophthalmological field to solve problems with strabismus, stage I-II glaucoma, cataracts, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eye, keratoconus, etc. Leading specialists of the highest category with extensive experience select the optimal treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient (your age, concomitant diseases, etc.). We provide postoperative care for patients of all years. To make an appointment, just fill out the form on the website. We will call you back shortly and provide all the necessary information.

Popular services

Laser vision correction

Laser vision correction (laser refractive surgery) is a painless and safe operation that is used to restore visual acuity. This is one of the most effective treatments:

  • For nearsightedness (difficulty focusing on distant objects)
  • Farsightedness (difficulty perceiving objects that are close)
  • Astigmatism (consists in the curvature of visual perception of objects)
  • Presbyopia (Age-related vision impairment, when there is difficulty reading or focusing on objects at arm's length)

Laser vision correction can be recommended when there are difficulties with wearing glasses, contact lenses, they cause allergic reactions and/or discomfort, cause a lot of inconvenience, and also when work and professional activities require excellent vision. Eye diseases and vision disorders such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia significantly affect a person's lifestyle, and laser correction can correct this. During the operation, the effect occurs on the refractive optical medium of the eye - the tissue of the cornea (convex-concave lens).


Femto Super LASIK

Femto Super LASIK is an innovative method of laser vision correction associated with problems of refraction of light rays by the optical system of the eye. It is intended for the treatment of patients with myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, as well as for people with anomalies such as too thin cornea. The word "Femto" comes from the name of the femtosecond laser used to perform the operation. The word "LASIK" is an abbreviation of the English phrase, which is translated as "laser keratomileusis".

Femto Super LASIK is one of the most advanced methods of vision correction. This is a more modern variation of the Super LASIK method. After the procedure, the patient's vision improves due to giving the cornea, which acts as a natural lens, a different shape. Due to this, it begins to refract light rays differently, which are focused on the retina. As a result, the patient begins to see clearly and distinctly, without experiencing pain or discomfort.


Femtosecond laser cataract removal

The only effective method of treating cataracts is surgical removal of the clouded lens and its replacement with an artificial intraocular lens. During the operation, the clouded lens of the eye is converted into an emulsion and removed from the eyeball. With ultrasound exposure using a laser beam, the nucleus of the lens is defragmented (the laser itself forms a corneal incision) and the ideal shape of the circle for the IOL is obtained. All surgical manipulations are oriented and adjusted to the human visual system.

Over the past two decades, cataract surgery has evolved significantly, the high efficiency of laser treatment of cataracts is achieved due to:

  • Improvement of technology and optimization of cataract surgery systems
  • Use of local anesthesia in the form of eye drops
  • Use of microincisions and microaccesses (about 1.8 mm) during surgery
  • Cataract extraction using femtosecond laser technologies
  • Use of intraocular optical lenses

Modern cataract surgery involves femtosecond laser support of the operation.

In our clinic, we use FEMTO LDV Z8 Ziemer (Switzerland) - the most modern femtosecond laser in the world today. It allows you to perform complex stages of cataract surgery with high accuracy.


Selection of children's night lenses

One of the methods for correcting refractive errors in children is orthokeratology, which involves wearing night contact lenses. The method has proven itself in practice and provides stable high results, provided that the correct selection and compliance with the operating rules.

Orthokeratological lenses are designed for short-term changes in the surface of the cornea in order to correct incorrect refraction during the day. Unlike conventional contact optics, they have a rigid structure that retains its shape during use. This allows you to create a slight pressure on the surface of the cornea, under the influence of which its curvature changes. As a result, by the morning the corneal surface has a new anatomically correct shape. After removing the lenses during daylight hours, it slowly returns to its original state, providing, however, clear, sharp vision.

Night correction lenses are made of high-tech materials based on hydrogels and silicone. The structure has high gas permeability, allowing the cornea to freely receive oxygen from the air. Even the most modern soft models cannot boast of such characteristics.


Лечение катаракты

Вопреки расхожему мнению, катаракта диагностируется не только у пожилых пациентов, когда заболевание вызвано естественными возрастными изменениями. Несвоевременная коррекция других патологий глаза, травмы, прием определенных лекарственных препаратов, плохая экологическая обстановка, воздействие излучений и другие факторы, способны привести к развитию патологии. Офтальмохирурги нашего центра сталкивались и с врожденной катарактой у детей.

Современное офтальмологическое оборудование, большой стаж и опыт работы врачей высшей категории позволяют им качественно проводить операции по удалению катаракты и восстановлению зрения пациентам. У нас же можно решить проблемы связанные с близорукостью, астигматизмом, глаукомой, дальнозоркостью.

Чтобы записаться на прием, вы можете заказать обратный звонок и оставить заявку при помощи формы на сайте. Мы подберем удобное время для посещения офтальмолога, используем эффективные методы лечения катаракты в Москве и обязательно решим вашу проблему.

High-tech equipment

High-tech equipment

The department is equipped with a special operating room for microsurgical interventions, the latest generation diagnostic equipment: Schwind, Zeiss, Topcon, Tomey, laser and multifunctional equipment from the best manufacturers of ophthalmological equipment: Schwind, Zeiss, Bausch & Lomb, Iridex, Dorc.

Our doctors use high-tech intraocular lenses: Alcon, Abbott, Zeiss, Rayner, Bausch & Lomb, and artificial implants: Allergan, Alcon, Dorc, and also select orthokeratological lenses.

Our doctors

Medvedev Yulia Alexandrovna
Experience 10 years
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Yulia Alexandrovna
Ophthalmologist, Laser Surgeon
Rudkovskaya Elena Mikhailovna
Experience 37 years
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Elena Mikhailovna
Tegniryadnova Ekaterina Valerievna
Experience 19 years
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Ekaterina Valerievna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Fadeeva Victoria Anatolievna
Experience 12 years
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Victoria Anatolievna
Doctor ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Shamsetdinova Leila Tagirovna
Experience 16 years
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Leila Tagirovna
Pediatric ophthalmologist
Medvedeva Elena Pulodovna
Experience 7 years
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Elena Pulodovna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Urvanova Maria Vladimirovna
Experience 7 years
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Maria Vladimirovna
Gavrilina Polina Dmitrievna
Experience 7 years
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Polina Dmitrievna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Kovaleva Olesya Alexandrovna
Experience 6 years
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Olesya Alexandrovna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Avsineeva Ksenia Mikhailovna
Experience 14 years
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Ksenia Mikhailovna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Sugonyaeva Olga Yurievna
Experience 25 years
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Olga Yurievna
Khlunovskaya Anna Nikolaevna
Experience 7 years
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Anna Nikolaevna
Arsenkova (Biletskaya) Valeria Alexandrovna
Experience 8 years
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Arsenkova (Biletskaya)
Valeria Alexandrovna
Ophthalmologist, laser surgeon
Lantuh Eugene Pavlovna
Experience 17 years
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Eugene Pavlovna
Ophthalmologist, Laser Surgeon
Leshko Olga Igorevna
Experience 10 years
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Olga Igorevna
Ophthalmologist, pediatrician
Akhiyarova Azalia Azatovna
Experience 3 years
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Azalia Azatovna
Batalina Larisa Vladimirovna
Experience 32 years
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Larisa Vladimirovna
Deputy chief physician for ophthalmology, ophthalmic surgeon, leading specialist in laser vision correction
Putintseva Polina Andreevna
Experience 5 years
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Polina Andreevna
Agafonova Oksana Sergeevna
Experience 20 years
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Oksana Sergeevna
Ophthalmologist, pediatric
All specialists
2GIS Award
2GIS Award

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.

«Good place» according to Yandex
«Good place» according to Yandex

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award
Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.

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Primary ophthalmologist appointment
from 5 200 ₽
Primary appointment with an ophthalmologist of the head of the department
from 6 350 ₽
Initial appointment with an ophthalmologist (examination before refractive surgery)
from 8 300 ₽
Initial appointment with an ophthalmologist (examination for cataracts)
from 6 900 ₽
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy using the Super LASIK method for myopia category 1 (without astigmatism) 1 eye
from 44 100 ₽
Excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy (Smart Pulse and SmartSurfACE)
from 51 450 ₽
Implantation of phakic lenses - Visian ICL (STAAR, Switzerland) (for myopia correction)
Other non-penetrating antiglaucomatous surgeries
from 67 200 ₽
Femto laser vision correction using the CLEAR method (modified SMILE method) 1 eye
from 115 500 ₽
Implantation of phakic lenses - Visian ICL (STAAR, Switzerland) (for the correction of myopia and astigmatism)
Implantation of phakic lenses - Visian ICL (STAAR, Switzerland) (for the correction of hypermetropia and astigmatism)
Measurement of strabismus angle
from 1 560 ₽
Measuring the angle of strabismus (using the Synoptophore apparatus)
from 1 050 ₽
Program "Selection of OKL night lenses"
Program "Selection of OKL night lenses (toric)"
Lens extraction
from 67 730 ₽
More price

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Answers to popular questions

What does an ophthalmologist treat at the K+31 medical center?

The eye doctor at K+31 provides a full range of ophthalmological services using complex microsurgery techniques. The specialist conducts vision diagnostics, selects individual treatment for patients, and performs eye surgeries. The eye clinic will select glasses and lenses for you after a full examination.

Refractive surgery:

  • Treatment of myopia, treatment of progressive myopia
  • Treatment of hyperopia
  • Treatment of astigmatism

Treatment of eye diseases:

  • Treatment of glaucoma
  • Laser coagulation of the retina
  • Treatment of keratoconus
  • Treatment of corneal diseases
  • Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye

Surgery and microsurgery of the eye:

  • Treatment of cataracts, lens replacement
  • Vitreoretinal surgery
  • Treatment of diseases of the retina and optic nerve
  • Corneal surgeries and restoration

Laser vision correction and hardware treatment of eye diseases:

  • Implantation of phakic lenses for presbyopia
  • Super Femto-LASIK 3D
  • Femto-LASIK 3D
  • Super LASIK

In the pediatric ophthalmology department, doctors perform vision diagnostics, treatment of strabismus, astigmatism, congenital glaucoma, myopia and retinal diseases, refractive errors, selection of contact lenses and glasses for vision correction. The doctor punctures the tear ducts in children, and performs the entire range of necessary manipulations.

What are the methods for diagnosing eye diseases?

Our eye clinic provides treatment of eye diseases in all areas of eye surgery: from minor eye surgery (styes, conjunctival cysts, etc.) and eye microsurgery (cataracts, glaucoma, myopia and other visual impairments) to oculoplastics (eyelid surgery, eye muscle surgery, etc.). Our doctors perform conservative, laser and surgical treatment.

The department is equipped with a special operating room for microsurgical interventions, the latest generation diagnostic equipment: Schwind, Zeiss, Topcon, Tomey, laser and multifunctional equipment from the best manufacturers of ophthalmological equipment: Schwind, Zeiss, Bausch & Lomb, Iridex, Dorc. Our doctors use high-tech intraocular lenses: Alcon, Abbott, Zeiss, Rayner, Bausch & Lomb, and artificial implants: Allergan, Alcon, Dorc, and also select orthokeratological lenses.

All doctors of our center use only modern equipment and disposable consumables in their work, as well as the most advanced diagnostic and treatment methods.

Diagnostic methods include:

  1. Ophthalmoscopy fundus examination
  2. Autorefractometry eye examination
  3. Pneumotonometry intraocular pressure measurement
  4. Detection of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism
  5. Tests for infectious eye diseases
  6. Ophthalmoscopy fundus examination

As well as optical coherence tomography, visometry, gonioscopy, biomicroscopy, pachymetry, computer perimetry, etc. High-quality diagnostics allow us to prescribe high-quality treatment. We employ highly qualified doctors who approach both diagnostics and treatment with great responsibility.

When should you see an ophthalmologist?

Nearsightedness, myopia, farsightedness and cataracts are some of the most common ophthalmological diseases in the world. All doctors of our clinic provide the following services:

  • Examination of the fundus
  • Biomicroscopy and biomicrophotography of the fundus
  • Removal of chalazion
  • Treatment of strabismus, amblyopia
  • Laser iridectomy
  • Treatment of injuries to the visual system
  • Surgery of the eye, muscles, visual pathways
  • Surgeries to eliminate retinal pathologies
  • Treatment of cataracts and glaucoma, correction of increased intraocular pressure
  • Treatment of myopia
  • Implantation of an artificial lens (in case of lens opacity)
  • Treatment of hyperopia, astigmatism
  • Treatment age-related degeneration and tissue dystrophy
  • Laser trabeculoplasty
  • Treatment of corneal dystrophy
  • Determination of visual acuity and selection of optics for the visually impaired
  • Choosing multifocal lenses
  • Injections, etc.

Timely and correct treatment will help to avoid vision loss. Consultation with an ophthalmologist, cataract surgeon or ophthalmologist takes place in a comfortable atmosphere of a modern ophthalmology clinic in Moscow. Make an appointment at our multidisciplinary ophthalmology center by ordering a call back, calling by phone or filling out an application on the website.

Our clinic employs staff with extensive experience. Therefore, we will definitely find a way to solve your problem and maintain healthy vision for the whole family. You can make an appointment with a family pediatric ophthalmologist or, if necessary, get emergency ophthalmologist help in Moscow. Information about specialists can be found on our website. Our ophthalmology clinic provides a wide range of diagnostic services. We use modern equipment, unique methods, select preventive measures, such as eye exercises, etc.

What are the consequences of laser vision correction?

Laser correction and restoration of vision has no complications. The procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly. A few hours after the operation, the patient returns to normal life. But it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations. Antibacterial eye drops are used after the operation. It is also important to reduce the strain on the eyes - read less, limit work at the computer. If you ignore the rules of the postoperative period, there is a risk of encountering dry eye syndrome, thinning of the cornea, and epithelial ingrowth.

Reviews 10

Polina Dmitrievna is a wonderful doctor, a true professional, whom you trust 100%. She is one of the rare doctors who treat not only with prescriptions, but with their attitude towards the patient. I recommend this nice, attentive doctor to everyone! And I wish Polina Dmitrievna health and professional success!
M. Netanya
Azalia Azatovna is a true professional and a doctor by vocation. She conducts a comprehensive and thorough examination and, most importantly, explains the essence of the situation in detail. I have been to the reception several times - I was extremely satisfied - the cause was determined, recommendations were received, the treatment result was achieved. There should be more doctors like her!
I wish all doctors in clinics were such professionals as Valeria Aleksandrovna. A very attentive doctor, a sincere person and a specialist in her field! She conducted a thorough examination, listened, explained everything, gave recommendations and even drew attention to problems not related to the ophthalmologist's direction. She advised what and who to contact. You can feel the doctor's involvement in your problem and willingness to help, this is very important for the patient. I recommend this doctor with all my heart, you will not be disappointed! Valeria Aleksandrovna, thank you very much for the appointment and for your help!
We would like to thank Dr. Leyla Tagirovna for her help and selection of night lenses. Professional, prompt, high-quality! Vision stopped deteriorating, positive dynamics emerged. A competent specialist, an approach to the child was quickly found. A friendly atmosphere in the office. We continue the treatment. Thank you very much!
Excellent doctor, professional in his field, attentive to patients. We observe 2 children with Leila Tagirovna, children happily run to the doctor's appointment, which is very important for parents. As a result of the prescribed treatment, we see progress.
Oganyants Kristina Valentinovna
I would like to express my deep gratitude and appreciation for the treatment prescribed by Yulia Aleksandrovna Medvedeva. After 2 years of living in the Middle East, stress, strong sun and sand dust had a negative effect on my eyes. They were able to help at the K+31 clinic. After the examination, recommendations were given for further treatment and the necessary medications were prescribed. The improvement was noticeable after just a few days. Thank you very much for your professionalism, patience, goodwill and polite attitude. I am very grateful to you.
Yakimenko Artem
The clinic has very friendly staff. We contacted Leila Tagirovna with the deterioration of the child’s vision. She is a highly qualified specialist with experience. We are grateful to Leila Tagirovna!
Khommadova Gulnar
We have been correcting our son's vision since childhood. Today, for the first time in 16 years, we understand what a full examination by an ophthalmologist means. The doctor, Leila Tagirovna, conducted extensive research, worked through and explained the treatment regimen, and gave a detailed conclusion. She was attentive to both the child and the parents. Thanks a lot!
This is not the first year that my daughter has been wearing contact lenses, unfortunately, the last time Bush was completely unsuccessful, and when we got to Leila Tanirovna, there was no limit to her joy. At the first appointment, she told me what and how, I learned all the subtleties that Victoria has. For the next appointment, we picked out what we needed and received recommendations. I really liked the drops and liquids that the doctor recommended. Overall we are very pleased. We showed up two weeks later, now we are preparing for the next visit
Krasnoshchekova Yulia Sergeevna
I really enjoyed my appointment with the ophthalmologist, she examined me thoroughly, explained the cause of the problem, showed pictures on the computer, which gave a complete understanding of my case. She prescribed medicine and explained in detail how to care for the eye. Time flew by. I would like to note the high professionalism and attentive and kind attitude towards the patient (I visited twice).
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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

Our clinics

K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
By a car
Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
Parking pass
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
By a car
Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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