Ultrasound of blood vessels

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is a highly informative, non-invasive, mobile, painless method of visualizing human organs and tissues, widely used in all areas of modern medicine. Ultrasonic waves propagate in the environment with a frequency of more than 20,000 Hz. The propagation velocity of an ultrasonic wave is determined by the density and elasticity of the medium. The average velocity of ultrasound propagation in the tissues of the human body is 1540 m / s - most ultrasound diagnostic devices are programmed at this speed.
Clinic K + 31 Medical Center has stationary and portable ultrasound devices of expert and premium class from leading manufacturers of ultrasound equipment (Toshiba, General Electric, Mindray), with a wide range of diagnostic capabilities, an excellent degree of imaging, with Doppler imaging programs, panoramic scanning building a volumetric image in real time.
The Toshiba Aplio MX premium ultrasound devices installed in the clinic include all the innovative ultrasound imaging technologies, have a number of unique features that allow you to receive gray-scale images of unprecedented quality with an exceptionally detailed study of tissue and organ structures regardless of their location and constitutional features of the patient. These technologies include ApliPure and ApliPure + - real-time complex scanning modes with simultaneous noise elimination, Differential THI differentiated tissue harmonics, Precision Imaging technology - simultaneous processing of many adjacent ultrasound lines. Aplio MX allows you to conduct all currently known ultrasound in spectral and color Doppler modes.

The system has a unique Toshiba technology - Advenced Dynamic Flow (ADF) - improved dynamic flow. The technology allows you to get an image of the vascular bed up to the capillary network with high spatial and temporal resolution. Aplio MX has special programs for recognizing and quantifying changes in internal organs. This is elastography, which allows a quantitative analysis of the elastic properties of organs and tissues; an unparalleled method for detecting calcifications (Micropure), which are potential markers of malignant tumors of the mammary glands and other organs. The Aplio MX ultrasound system has special features for reconstructing images, including panoramic and three-dimensional; a number of specialized programs for contrast studies, obstetric and cardiological studies, including a program for conducting steress echocardiography.

In the MC "Clinic K + 31" all current ultrasound methods of research are carried out:

    Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity
  • kidney and adrenal gland
  • thyroid
  • mammary and salivary glands
  • lymph nodes
  • lungs
  • pleura
  • eyes and eye sockets
  • pelvic organs in men and women
  • scrotum and penis
  • soft tissues and joints
  • triplex scanning of the main vessels and vessels of the internal organs
  • Doppler echocardiography and stress echocardiography
  • Ultrasound during pregnancy in all trimesters
  • Dopplerography of the uteroplacental and fetal blood flow
  • building a three-dimensional image of the fetus or any organ
  • ultrasound guidance for minimally invasive interventions.

The experience of specialists in ultrasound diagnostics shows that even in the absence of complaints and the well-being of patients, during ultrasound examinations one or another deviation from the norm is found in various structures and organs.

Ultrasound examinations in the medical center "Clinic K + 31"

New features of computer processing of ultrasound images in three-dimensional (3D-4D) mode on the latest generation of devices allow you to create a spatial picture of the structure of any organ, vessel, pathological focus, fetus in any plane, archive in the form of data available for delayed analysis and post-processing. The study in 3D-4D modes of individual organs and blood vessels in its accuracy can compete with the method of computed tomography.

For patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system, we recommend triplex scanning of blood vessels with functional tests, Doppler echocardiography (DEHOKG) , as well as stress echocardiography (stress echocardiography) to identify coronary pathology. Patients who consider themselves healthy and do not have an obvious cardiovascular pathology can undergo a comprehensive study according to a special program that includes the study of cerebral vessels, upper and lower extremities, as well as stress echocardiography to assess the functional reserve of the body.

We offer expectant mothers an ultrasound scan at various stages of pregnancy. The optimal time for carrying out a screening ultrasound examination of the fetus is a period of 11-13 weeks, 20-21 weeks, 30-34 weeks of pregnancy. This is the best time to identify the corresponding malformations of the fetus. During these periods, ultrasound makes it possible to diagnose most congenital malformations of the fetus and promptly resolve the issue of abortion or choose the optimal tactics of managing childbirth, as well as the nature and extent of emergency care immediately after childbirth. Doppler study of the uteroplacental and fetal blood flow is of important diagnostic value in pregnant women with high perinatal risk. Timely detection of hemodynamic disturbances in the mother-placenta-fetus system prevents the development of severe pregnancy complications and develop tactics for pregnant women. The results of a dopplerographic study in detecting a violation and a critical condition of fetoplacental blood flow are an indication for emergency delivery.

Service record


All specialists
Tatyana Valerievna

Head of the department of neurology and psychotherapy, neurologist

Marina Romanovna

Neurologist, consultant

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Kamila Timurovna

Neurologist, reflexologist

Alena Igorevna

Neurologist, parkinsonologist

Sergej Georgievich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Sabina Magomedovna

Leading neurologist, parkinsonologist

Inna Sergeevna

Neurologist, otoneurologist, somnologist


Khadija Intigamovna

Neurologist, parkinsonologist, specialist in extrapyramidal and cognitive disorders