Stages of multiple sclerosis
In the early stages, the beginning of the development of multiple sclerosis can not be noticed. During this period, the manifestations of its symptoms generally do not cause panic in patients.
Manifestations of the disease at the initial stage: general weakness, frequent stress, previously performed work seems impossible, a slight decrease in intellectual activity, fatigue. Basically, the first manifestations begin after severe injuries, complex operations and childbirth.
If at this stage of the disease the patient is in quite good health, and during the performance of daily activities, the person does not pay special attention to them, then in the future the manifestations become very pronounced.
Often the manifestations of multiple sclerosis in men are severe weakness, fatigue, decreased vision, numbness and pain throughout the body, impaired coordination of movements, malfunctioning of the genitourinary system, impotence, epilepsy.
Multiple sclerosis in women most often appears at the age of 50 years. In the later stages, it is characterized by a sharp decrease in motor activity, reflex dysfunction, decreased sensitivity, and a feeling of intense fatigue. Speech becomes slurred and inarticulate.
According to statistics, women are more at risk of getting sick than men, but their disease progresses much more slowly.
At the last stages, sharp neuropsychological changes occur, which are expressed in violation of normal behavior. Patients are accompanied by depressive states. They become emotionally unstable, prone to unexpected and frequent mood swings in a short period of time. Panic attacks may appear.
Answering a frequently asked question, how many years have lived with multiple sclerosis, it is necessary to understand that it has a much greater influence on the quality of life than on longevity.
Patients with multiple sclerosis must deal with multiple complex manifestations of the disease that affect their life in general.