The brain controls the functioning of all body systems. If, for some reason, a failure occurs in its work, this is primarily manifested by a deterioration in concentration and memory.
For the normal functioning of the brain, a healthy sleep for 7-8 hours at night is imperative. Any problems with falling asleep (inability to fall asleep on time, early awakening, superficial shallow sleep), especially if they have been manifested for a long time and are accompanied by drowsiness during the daytime, are a deviation from the norm. This condition is called insomnia or insomnia.
If problems with memory and attention have arisen against the background of poor sleep, then insomnia is the cause, and treatment must begin with its elimination.
What are sleep disorders (insomnia)
Insomnia is a violation of the sleep process in all its phases. Depending on the form and cause of insomnia, problems are noted in different stages: falling asleep, sleeping, waking up. Along with sleep disorders, there is a decrease in its effectiveness, frequent nocturnal awakenings.
Insomnia occurs in 40-50% of the total population of the planet. Only for 10-13% of patients, insomnia is considered a problem and requires medical correction. Sleep disturbance is often caused by age-related changes, but today it is increasingly observed in young people.
Types of sleep disorders
Insomnia is classified according to the form and duration of occurrence, as well as severity.
According to the duration of the flow:
- Transient - duration of several nights with spontaneous restoration of sleep.
- Short-term - the condition lasts from 5 days to several weeks.
- Chronic - occurs in periods and is characterized by a long course.
By flow type:
- Physiological or situational.
- Pathological, due to a number of factors.
- Constant.
By the nature of development:
- Primary - occurs for the first time against the background of idiopathic or objective factors.
- Secondary - occurs as a result of psychological, somatic, age and other pathological factors.
According to the severity of clinical manifestations:
- Mild degree - the severity of symptoms is weak, episodes of occurrence are rare.
- Medium degree - the symptoms are moderately expressed, the episodes correspond to the chronic course of insomnia.
- Severe degree - sleep disorder is permanent, interferes with normal work activities, everyday life.
If symptoms similar to insomnia appear, you should consult a general practitioner, a neurologist. A prolonged course threatens the development of serious complications.
Causes of pathology
Often, memory impairment, decreased concentration and insomnia are interrelated symptoms and occur for neurological or mental reasons:
- Consequences of a previous stroke.
- Parkinson's disease.
- Dementia.
- Overwork, stress.
- Alzheimer's disease.
- Anxiety-manic states.
- Depression.
- Schizophrenia.
Other chronic diseases can also be the cause of the pathology: endocrine, genitourinary, pulmonary, musculoskeletal.
If the symptom of memory and attention impairment is severe, the cause may be a lack of oxygen, which leads to apnea (respiratory arrest during sleep) or cerebral atherosclerosis.