Laser hair removal of the back eliminates the problem of ingrown hairs, since during the session there is no inflammation or damage to nearby tissues by laser light, which often happens when using a razor or wax. Advantages of the laser procedure:
Laser hair removal on the male or female body in the back area is more beneficial than regular waxing or sugaring. Epilation allows you to save both money and time, since often a few sessions are enough to completely get rid of unwanted hair forever.
The number of sessions in a hair removal course depends on hereditary factors, hormone levels, skin type, hair color and thickness, and the size of the area to be treated. Several laser treatments are required to completely stop hair growth on the back.
Men, especially those with thick and dense hair, require eight to twelve sessions. Women often require fewer sessions, six to ten. People with light hair need more hair removal sessions. The lower back and sacral region (the area below the waist) usually require three to five sessions.
Medical center "K+3" (Moscow) provides its patients (men and women) with laser hair removal services for the back using the devices MeDioStar, Fatona, Soprano, Palomar, Diolase. All procedures are carried out in a cozy atmosphere, strictly following the established standards and regulations.
Soprano Alma is an advanced hair removal system that combines the technology of three different wavelengths (alexandrite, diode and neodymium) in one radiation. This method is considered especially fast, safe and effective. The device is suitable for removing hair on all skin types of women and men, including dark and tanned. Sign up for a laser hair removal procedure to get rid of less effective hair removal methods forever.
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How does laser hair removal work?
The method of hair removal using pulses or focused light is called laser hair removal. The laser targets the hair follicle during its active growth period, known as the anagen phase. There are about 20% active follicles in the skin structure. When exposed to light, melanin, a pigment present in the follicle, heats up. This leads to an increase in the temperature of the follicle itself, its subsequent death and hair loss.
Hair removal does not affect inactive hair follicles, so it is necessary to repeat the session at intervals corresponding to the period of their activation. Due to the fact that the transition of follicles to an active state does not occur simultaneously, a course of hair removal using laser procedures is required.