The ART Department provides a full range of services for the treatment of any form of infertility: IVF, ICSI, IMSI, IISM, programs using donor eggs and sperm.
The embryological laboratory is equipped with modern world-class equipment.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.
The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.
First, let's figure out what factors influence the success of conception:
There are other factors, but these points are more significant.
If, after a full examination of the couple, the cause of infertility is not identified, then a diagnosis of “infertility of unknown origin” is made, which, like other infertility factors, is coded by the International Classification of Diseases (ICD10).
In some cases, the cause of infertility of unknown origin is a psychological factor.
Spontaneous pregnancy often occurs in such couples after they have begun examinations in preparation for the IVF program. At this stage, patients are distracted by undergoing examinations, preparing for stimulation and, as a result, stop focusing on the problem of lack of pregnancy, tracking “favorable days” for conception, etc....
Pregnancy after IVF is no different from spontaneous pregnancy. There are only features of early management when the patient is taking hormonal therapy. Otherwise, it's exactly the same pregnancy. It, like natural, requires careful and caring observation.
Is it possible, if a woman wants, to give birth to twins using IVF? Multiple pregnancy is considered pathological (more complex). Our goal is to have a singleton pregnancy and give birth to one healthy child. Carrying two children is much more difficult. The risk of premature birth and other complications increases. For this reason, when conducting an IVF program, we most often transfer one embryo into the uterine cavity.
Previously, 2-3 embryos were actually transferred to increase the efficiency of the program. However, now reproductive technologies have reached such a level of development that you can transfer one embryo and expect pregnancy with a probability of 65-70%.
Two embryos can be transferred depending on the specific clinical situation. For example, with several unsuccessful IVF attempts, for patients of an older age group, with a woman’s persistent desire to transfer two embryos. But the doctor’s task is to assess all the chances and risks, talk with the patient, and jointly make the right decision.
The success of IVF depends on the joint work of a fertility specialist and future parents.
If a good embryo was obtained on the first attempt and all the necessary studies were carried out, then the probability is quite high. If genetic testing of the embryo was also done - PGT (an optional but recommended study), then the probability reaches 70%. But there are still 30% left. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the success of IVF, but with each cycle the likelihood of pregnancy increases.
Before IVF, a woman must undergo a series of tests to assess her physical condition and determine the best approach to the procedure. Some of the basic tests before IVF are listed below:
Before IVF, it is important to consult with your doctor, who will determine the necessary tests and discuss with you the further plan of action. Each case is individual, so the list of tests may vary.
Main stages of IVF:
Each stage of IVF requires attention and participation from both the medical staff of our clinic and the couple. It is important to remember that the success of IVF can depend on many factors, and each case is individual.