Bartolomey Ludmila Ivanovna
- Prevention of stress in women and their partners in preparation for conception using ART at all stages.
- Psychological support, correction of psycho-emotional stress in women during pregnancy.
- Family counseling.
Reception of a medical psychologist and psychological counseling is carried out in the following stages:
- Acquaintance, establishing contact.
- Defining a request for a psychological consultation.
- Diagnosis, assessment of the current psycho-emotional state.
- Conducting psychotherapy, correction and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state using the methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotional simulator, psychoanalysis, art therapy, emotional-figurative therapy, the use and training in the methods of psycho-physiological self-regulation, psycho-gymnastics, the use of breathing and bodily practice, etc.
- Summing up the results of the consultation and the results obtained, assessment of the psycho-emotional state, reflection.
- Organization and conduct of psychological counseling, using techniques to create a comfortable and safe environment for the patient and her partner.
- Conducting psychological counseling, support, moral and psychological support for women and couples planning to conceive when using ART (assisted reproductive technologies).
- Psychological preparation of women and couples for pregnancy.
- Psychological assistance and support during the period of adaptation to pregnancy for women and couples in the first weeks of pregnancy.
- Counseling couples in the event of stressful conditions associated with pregnancy, prevention of intra-family conflicts.
- Psychological support, correction of the psycho-emotional state of a pregnant woman during pregnancy.
- Psychophysiological preparation of a pregnant woman for childbirth, breastfeeding, motherhood.
- Advising a partner of a pregnant woman on preparing for the birth of a baby, for future fatherhood.
- Psychological support for women and her partner in case of a failed pregnancy.
Children's examination: advises parents on child-parent relationships from 0 to 18 years.