Smirnova Angelica Yuryevna
Primary appointment: from 7800 ₽
Repeated appointment: from 7800 ₽
She is proficient in ultrasound in gynecology, diagnostic hysteroscopy (diagnosis and treatment of intrauterine pathology), metrosalpingography (testing of fallopian tubes), methods of treating cervical pathology, specializes in ART methods (in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer).
Conducting outpatient appointments on problems of gynecological endocrinology (infertility, miscarriage, menstrual disorders, polycystic ovaries, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, menopausal syndrome, osteoporosis, etc.), on pregnancy planning, contraception and the selection of hormone replacement therapy, on cervical pathology uterus.
She repeatedly underwent professional training in gynecological endocrinology, contraception, HRT on the basis of leading scientific centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg. She worked as a gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction of the Regional Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Care in Vladivostok.
For more than 10 years, she has been engaged in invasive prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations of the fetus (chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis, amniocentesis). In 2009 she defended her Ph.D. thesis in the specialty "Obstetrics and Gynecology", dedicated to prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a course of Perinatology at the People's Friendship University of Russia.
Author of more than 20 scientific articles, guidelines.
Member of the Association of Gynecologists-Endocrinologists of Russia, the Russian Association for Contraception, the Russian Association for Menopause, the Russian Association for Human Reproduction.
Active participant of thematic conferences and international congresses.
- Russian
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