Shirokih Pavel Nikolaevich
- Ultrasound diagnostics of an expert class in obstetrics: screening studies, detection of malformations and anomalies in the development of the fetus, placental insufficiency, violations of the functional state of the fetus, multiple pregnancy, etc.
- Ultrasound diagnostics of an expert class in gynecology.
Ultrasound examinations:
- organs of the abdominal cavity and the cavity of the small pelvis, retroperitoneal space,
- urology (kidneys, bladder, prostate, scrotum organs),
- thyroid gland,
- mammary glands.
- childbirth, operative obstetrics.
Member of the Russian Association of Specialists in Ultrasound Diagnostics in Medicine (RASUDM) and the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG - International Society for Ultrasound Diagnostics in Obstetrics and Gynecology).
- Russian
Other doctors in this direction
Maya Otarovna
Tatiana Vyacheslavovna
Elena Yurievna
Nikolay Yurievich
Valentine Evgenyevich
Yulia Nikolaevna