Threadlifting is a method of thread facelifting that effectively replaces classic plastic surgery. The procedure includes non-surgical contour plastic surgery or targeted lifting of certain areas of the face. Bioreinforcement of soft fatty tissues in the abdomen, thighs, arms and neck with mesothreads is also possible.
At the cosmetology center of the K+31 clinic in Moscow, you can undergo a thread lifting procedure using threads from the world leader Aptos
Self-absorbing and non-absorbing. The first type is most often used. Self-absorbing threads are made of polycaprolactone treated with polylactic acid (L-lactide). After fixation in the skin, the material slowly dissolves and miniature scars from connective tissue form in its place. After biodegradation, the threads are excreted from the body naturally (after 12 months), the frame of the formed connective tissue will hold the tension. The effect of Aptos threads lasts up to 2 years.
Self-absorbing fabrics are used for lifting if a person does not have pronounced changes on the face or body with sagging large areas of skin. Thus, it is possible to combine the effect of lifting and mesotherapy.
Non-absorbable Aptos threads are made of polypropylene (Aptos Surgical). They are used less often, the main indication is facial asymmetry, flabbiness of the skin, pronounced age-related changes. The effect of thread lifting with this material lasts up to 5 years.
Types of self-absorbable threads:
A special shape of a spiral, pigtail or notch allows you to hold the tissues in and fix them in the correct position, prevent further displacement and the occurrence of defects (depressions, displacements). For each zone, certain types of threads are used, taking into account the shape and caliber.
Thread lifting is prescribed by a cosmetologist in the case of:
Thread lifting is performed on women and men when the first signs of aging appear on the skin, from the age of 35.
Aptos lifting is used for different areas of the body:
A cosmetologist can choose other thread options, taking into account a specific clinical case.
The first 2-3 days you should avoid hot showers, cosmetics and hot food (if the facelift was performed).
For 2-3 weeks after the Aptos lifting you cannot:
The effect of the procedure and its duration depend on proper rehabilitation and compliance with the doctor's recommendations.
As soon as the swelling goes down. For the middle and lower third of the face, rehabilitation is quick, taking about a week.
If the rehabilitation rules were violated, tissue shifts or depressions may occur. To correct the defect, you should contact the doctor who performed the lift, he will perform skin straightening.
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What are Aptos threads? How do they work?
Aptos threads are special strong fibers, specially processed for the best biocompatibility with the skin. Mesothreads are highly durable with a minimum diameter. They are used as a suture material for tightening sagging soft tissues, to create a new strong frame.
To perform a thread lift, Aptos threads are inserted into the subcutaneous fat using a double-edged needle or cannula. Then the necessary tension is created. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to strengthen soft tissues, smooth out wrinkles, and create a rejuvenating effect.
Aptos thread lift makes it possible to smooth out wrinkles, creases, get rid of a double chin, sagging tissues due to age-related ptosis or after sudden weight loss. Depending on the type of threads, you can correct the face or body parts without resorting to surgery. The result is visible immediately, but the full effect of the procedure is achieved after rehabilitation and swelling subsides. Each area of the body has its own recovery time frame, but, on average, rehabilitation takes 2-3 weeks.