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What is densitometry

Densitometry is a test carried out to determine bone mineral density. This is the most advanced method for early diagnosis of osteoporosis. Another name for the method is osteodensitometry. The advantage of densitometry is that the examination reveals the development of osteoporosis even at an early stage. stages with minimal bone loss.

A study of the structure of bone tissue and measurement of bone mass is necessarily indicated after 50 years, when bones under the influence of various factors and diseases can become fragile and too sensitive to stress, which increases the risk of fractures and the development of pathological diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What is densitometry
The essence of the procedure, contraindications and rehabilitation period

Densitometry falls into the category of non-invasive procedures. It allows you to measure the level of calcium in bone tissue, which is its fundamental structural element. Most often, such diagnostics are carried out in the area of the spine and femoral neck. This is due to the fact that damage to these particular areas is fraught with long-term therapy with limitation of the patient’s motor function.

There are no absolute contraindications to densitometry. Among the relative ones, it is worth noting pregnancy and pathological changes in the lumbosacral spine, due to which the patient will not be able to take the required position on the diagnostic table or remain motionless for half an hour, which is necessary to obtain accurate images. The decision to conduct diagnostics in such cases is made by the doctor individually, after assessing the patient’s condition.

Rehabilitation after the procedure is not necessary. The patient can immediately go home or to the ward if he is inpatient treatment.

Indications for densitometry

A bone density test is recommended if you have the following risk factors:

  • Women at the onset of menopause, especially at the onset of early menopause after removal of the ovaries
  • Women during pregnancy to monitor bone density and to monitor calcium and phosphorus levels in the body
  • Patients who are at risk for developing osteoporosis
  • Frequent fractures not associated with serious trauma, especially in people over 40
  • Patients who have suffered injuries to the spine, femur, forearm, femoral neck and any other parts of the skeleton
  • People with hormonal pathologies and disorders of the endocrine system
  • Patients taking medications: hormone replacement therapy, glucocorticosteroids, thyroid hormones
  • Disturbances in the endocrine system
  • Patients with osteopenia and suspected osteopoorosis, which was diagnosed during an X-ray examination of bone tissue
  • Patients receiving treatment for osteoporosis to monitor therapy
  • People with low weight (mass index below 18.5)

The danger of bone loss is that the first stages of the disease are asymptomatic. The main symptom of decreased bone density is a fracture of the bones of the limbs, pelvis, and femoral neck, even from awkward movements or minor injuries.

People at risk of developing osteoporosis are people over 50 years of age who lead a sedentary lifestyle, like to drink coffee and smoke. For such patients, regular densitometry is recommended to monitor bone density.

Contraindications for densitometry

There are no absolute contraindications to bone mineral density testing. But during pregnancy it is better to refuse X-ray densitometry, CT and X-rays. In this case, ultrasound densitometry may be prescribed. To conduct the study, the patient must lie in the densitometer in one position for quite a long time (up to 30 minutes). Therefore, if the patient has severe back pain or other diseases that do not allow him to lie down for a long time, the procedure is not performed.

It is also recommended that the patient check when he last had a radioisotope scan, CT scan with contrast, or X-ray with barium. These examinations may interfere with the tests, and the results may be distorted due to excessive patient load.

Types of densitometry

Ultrasound bone densitometry. Scanning of the hip joints, spine, femoral neck and other bone structures using a special ultrasound device. Ultrasound allows you to quickly diagnose osteoporosis and other diseases, the study does not cause harm, it can be performed repeatedly


X-ray bone densitometry. X-ray examination is more effective than ultrasound examination. The method allows you to identify disorders in bone mineral density. The X-ray dose is minimal, but there are contraindications


Computer bone densitometry. This includes MRI and CT. The examination determines bone density, a 3D model of the bone structure is built. The dose of X-ray radiation during the examination is minimal, the procedure is quick. Contraindication: pregnancy

How is densitometry performed?

Densitometry is absolutely painless. Before the procedure, the patient needs to know a few simple rules:


The day before diagnosis, stop taking medications containing calcium.


If you suspect pregnancy, you should definitely report it.


You should notify your doctor if you have recently had a test that uses a contrast agent that contains barium.


To obtain the clearest image of the area being examined, you must lie absolutely still during the diagnosis.

Depending on the area of the body being examined, the patient must take the required position. He is placed on a special table. Next, a sensor with high sensitivity to X-ray radiation moves over the desired area, collecting information about bone density.

In general, the procedure takes from 10 to 30 minutes. During the examination, the patient can remain in his clothes, if there are no metal elements on it (buttons, locks and other accessories).

After completing the entire procedure for diagnosing osteoporosis, the radiologist issues a transcript of the study. Based on the results of densitometry, the endocrinologist can refer the patient to a therapist, neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist, to a manual specialist. It is recommended to prescribe tests as additional diagnostic methods. We also conduct functional examination of bone tissue and organs: computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound examination (US).

What does diagnostics show?

An X-ray densitometer, which emits X-rays, can be used to determine the extent of changes in bone density. Densitometry allows you to obtain two indicators: T-score and Z-score. The T criterion is obtained by comparing the density level patient's bones with reference parameters. Normally, this indicator is equal to one or more. If the number is less than –1, then this value is will be the basis for a diagnosis of osteoporosis. At -2.5, the risk of bone fractures increases significantly.

The Z score is obtained by comparing a patient's bone density score to the average for their age group. If the deviations are too large, in any direction, then additional studies will help to more accurately assess and make a diagnosis: radiography, biochemistry, or taking material for a bone tissue biopsy.

Where to get diagnosed

The cost of densitometry directly depends on the area being examined and the diagnostic method used. The procedure is carried out using a modern X-ray densitometer. The use of such equipment allows reducing radiation exposure to the body. It will be 20 times lower than when undergoing standard fluorography.

Densitometry results are given to the patient within 15 minutes after completion of the diagnosis.

You can get advice from an experienced doctor and sign up for densitometry by contacting the K+31 medical center in Moscow. We offer our patients a high level of service and advanced diagnostic equipment for quickly obtaining the most accurate examination results. Appointment by appointment - you don't have to waste time in line!

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Bigwawa Nino Valeryevna
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Nino Valeryevna
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Experience 25 years
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Irina Alexandrovna
Snetkov Victor yurevich
Experience 39 years
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Victor yurevich
Pavlikova Elena Yuryevna
Experience 24 years
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Elena Yuryevna
Puzakov Kirill Borisovich
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Kirill Borisovich
Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist
Sinitsyn Valentine Evgenyevich
Experience 41 year
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Valentine Evgenyevich
Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist
Chichkanova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Experience 24 years
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Tatyana Vladimirovna
Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist
Vishnevskaya Anna Vadimovna
Experience 21 year
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Anna Vadimovna
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Experience 14 years
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Darya Vladimirovna
Kondratyev Eugene Valerevich
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Eugene Valerevich
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Sychenkova Irina Yuryevna
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Irina Yuryevna
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Schulz Eugene Igorevich
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Eugene Igorevich
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Bronov Oleg yurevich
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Oleg yurevich
Vasilieva Yulia Nikolaevna
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Yulia Nikolaevna
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Maso Michael Lvovich
Experience 18 years
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Michael Lvovich
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Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.


Initial appointment with an endocrinologist
from 5 200 ₽
Repeated appointment with an endocrinologist
from 5 200 ₽
Appointment with an endocrinologist based on examination results
from 3 250 ₽
Computed tomography of the spine (densitometry)
from 4 850 ₽
X-ray densitometry of the proximal femur
from 5 800 ₽
X-ray densitometry of the lumbar spine
from 5 800 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (all sections)
from 26 950 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of joints (shoulder joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of joints (hip)
from 9 550 ₽
X-ray densitometry (lumbar spine and proximal right and left femur)
from 8 700 ₽
X-ray densitometry of the lumbar spine
from 5 800 ₽
Osteopathy for diseases of the skeletal system
from 8 050 ₽
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К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
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К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

Reviews 10

Регулярно обращаюсь к Татьяне Владимировне для плановых осмотров и могу сказать, что теперь живу спокойно. Она всегда проявляет внимание и заботу, за что я ей очень благодарна. Ее профессионализм на высоте, а отношение к пациентам — искренне доброжелательное. Татьяна Владимировна — врач с большой буквы! Огромное спасибо за вашу поддержку и внимание!
Валентина Х.
Хочу выразить свою благодарность Татьяне Владимировне! Я попала к ней на дообследование, и врач, который направил меня, сразу сказал, что она во всем разберётся. Так и оказалось. Татьяна Владимировна провела все необходимые исследования и подробно всё объяснила. От неё исходит уверенность, доброта и оптимизм, что очень важно в такие моменты. Редко встретишь таких врачей, которым хочется довериться на все 100%. Благодарю за профессионализм, поддержку и душевное спокойствие!
Алёна Б.
Mazo Mikhail Lvovich, a doctor you can trust! I contacted the doctor at the clinic K+31 on the recommendation of an oncologist for diagnostics, in connection with the discovery of a formation in the mammary gland. I was examined on the tomosynthesis device and based on the results, a biopsy was done. Mikhail Lvovich and his colleagues conducted the examination at the highest level, very attentively, professionally, and most importantly humanely! I am very glad that I contacted him, I definitely recommend him. I will only be examined by him myself. Many thanks to Mikhail Lvovich.
Trifonova Tatyana Borisovna
I express my sincere gratitude to the doctor Viktor Yuryevich Snetkov and note his highest professionalism. He is the only one who identified a fracture in the image, which 4 other doctors (traumatologists and radiologists) could not detect! Health, success, prosperity to this person and further professional development!
Vitaly Sergeevich
Thanks a lot! Doctor from God! I was worried, but the doctor is very gentle. Thank you
Lidia Pavlovna
Superb, caring support from manager Yuliya Kulak. Both before and after and during treatment. Thanks a lot! At all stages I have a very positive impression of the interaction with the staff. And in Dr. Mazo M.Yu. I had no doubts.)
I would like to express my gratitude to Mazo Mikhail Lvovich (Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor) for high-quality treatment, high professionalism and kind attitude. The latest technologies developed and applied by him allow people to improve the quality of life and instill hope for a further happy life. When I entered the office, the fear disappeared somewhere, because the doctor is so able to calm the patient down that it becomes absolutely not scary. The procedure was performed under anesthesia and everything went well. Mikhail Lvovich is a professional in his field.
A wonderful specialist, I was so afraid to do research, but he reassured, he did everything competently and quickly. thank
If you need professional advice, help, you need to go to Tatiana Vladimirovna. For a person who faces health problems, the approach and attitude of the doctor is critical. Tatiana V. is a professional with a capital letter. I am very glad that I found “my” oncologist / mammologist. Thanks you!!!!!
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