I visited this ophthalmologist twice - I really liked her. Knowledgeable, thoughtful, responsible doctor. She identified my problem and prescribed adequate treatment that helped. Thank you!
Elena Viktorovna
I would like to express my deep respect and endless gratitude to the greatest specialist in the field of endoscopy, a doctor from God!! FEDOROV EVGENY DMITRIEVICH!!! YOU HAVE GOLDEN HANDS, THE GREATEST GIFT, YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLY GENEROUS PERSON!!! It so happened that 12 years after my successful treatment with Evgeny Dmitrievich, my 20-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cholecystectomy. And without a drop of doubt, I entrusted her treatment to Evgeny Dmitrievich, of course. I am doubly grateful to you for myself and for my daughter!!! You did YOUR MEDICAL AND HUMAN JOB so professionally and easily THAT WE CAN'T EVEN SCARS ON OUR BODIES!!! WE OFTEN REMEMBER THE BEST DOCTOR!! And I also remember how all the patients waited for their rounds with the doctor!! With your arrival, hope and faith appeared!!! Great success to you in your difficult, but very important work!! And well-being in your life!! Grateful patients and students!!! With the greatest respect, Larisa and Yana T.
Polina Dmitrievna is a wonderful doctor, a true professional, whom you trust 100%. She is one of the rare doctors who treat not only with prescriptions, but with their attitude towards the patient. I recommend this nice, attentive doctor to everyone! And I wish Polina Dmitrievna health and professional success!
I am very grateful to Irina Aleksandrovna for her help in treating my baby. She had acute purulent otitis media, the child is 7 months old. I called Irina Aleksandrovna to my home for examinations, in addition to pediatricians. She was very careful with the child, caring and, most importantly, professional. I think that changing the antibiotic, which Irina Aleksandrovna recommended, helped us achieve the result. Now we also know how to rinse the baby's nose, I was very afraid to do this before, but now I do it with ease. Thank you very much! We are very lucky to have met you!
I would like to share my impressions of the cardiologist Gennady Mikhailovich Diker. He turned out to be a very attentive and competent specialist who accurately selected treatment for me that really worked. I had been treated before, but no one could help me the way Gennady Mikhailovich helped me by changing the approach to treatment. I am very grateful to him for this.
Thank you for your conscientious work and sensitive attitude! Anna Robertovna won me over from the very first minutes and gave detailed answers to all my questions!
A patient's notes or a second life thanks to the 31+K team and Svetlana Viktorovna Kamoeva herself For 20 years, I lived with fibroids and endometriosis, not realizing that I was wasting precious time. I faced recurrent cystitis, kidney pain, infertility, not realizing that all these conditions were interconnected. Despite numerous consultations with doctors, no one gave me a clear, structured plan of action; instead, I was prescribed expensive drugs that only maintained my condition, but did not solve the problem. Everything changed when I met Dr. Svetlana Viktorovna Kamoeva, Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics and Gynecology at the K+31 West Clinic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and leading specialist in the field of gynecological surgery and women's regenerative health. A doctor who sees the problem deeper than the symptoms From the very first consultation, I realized that Dr. Kamoeva is not just a doctor, but a specialist you can trust. Unlike all previous consultations, where uncertainty reigned, here I heard a clear diagnosis and a detailed treatment plan. Our first appointment lasted more than two hours - during this time she carefully reviewed my medical history, prescribed all the necessary tests and proposed a scientifically based treatment strategy. Her confidence, deep knowledge and thoughtful approach instilled complete trust in me. For the first time in many years, I understood what to do and when. Complex surgery: the highest professionalism in action Due to the complexity of my condition, laparoscopic myomectomy and removal of multiple endometriosis were recommended. Despite my busy schedule, frequent flights and fatigue, the K + 31 West team provided me with prompt and professional preparation. The operation, which was initially planned as standard, lasted almost 6 hours, as unexpected complications arose during the process. However, thanks to the experience, precision and surgical skill of Dr. Kamoeva, everything went well. Post-operative Recovery: Exceptional Care and a Fast Recovery Typically, such a complex procedure requires a long recovery, but under Dr. Kamoeva’s watchful eye, my recovery was surprisingly fast. Within two days, I felt a significant improvement that exceeded all my expectations. Her approach goes far beyond surgery—she provides comprehensive, all-round care, adhering to the highest standards of personalized medicine. World-Class Women’s Health Professional Dr. Svetlana Viktorovna Kamoeva is not only an outstanding surgeon and scientist, but also a visionary in the field of women’s health and regenerative medicine.
I underwent radiation therapy with Volkova D.M. I want to express my deep gratitude to the doctor for her attentive attitude, professionalism in her work, for her help and answers to all my questions, as well as her sensitivity and kindness to each patient! Thank you very much!
A fantastic doctor and a wonderful person! A doctor from God! You come into the office puzzled, and leave with hope and a smile! Health to you, Pavel Ilyich, and many, many years!
R. Vitaly Alexandrovich
Excellent doctor. Every woman knows how important it is for us to get not only to a highly professional gynecologist, but also to a friendly and sensitive specialist. This is about Maria Vasilievna. Attentive and careful examination. During the ultrasound, she will tell you everything and comment on the picture. Thank you very much, Maria Vasilievna! Maria K.
Я обратилась к Дарье Михайловне за консультацией по поводу лечения (химиотерапии) моего мужа. Это очень отзывчивый и добрый человек, который умеет не только назначить правильное лечение, но и поддержать. Она всегда находит слова, которые успокаивают, вселяют уверенность и надежду на выздоровление. Дарья Михайловна доходчиво объясняет ход лечения, всегда внимательна и доброжелательна.
Когония Лали Михайловна — врач с большой буквы и замечательный человек! Ее отзывчивость, профессионализм и доброжелательность поражают. Она всегда готова помочь и детально объяснить все нюансы. Я очень благодарна за внимание и компетентность, и хотелось бы, чтобы таких специалистов было больше в нашей медицине. Безусловно, рекомендую Лали Михайловну!
Ценю комфорт и стараюсь экономить своё время, поэтому уже почти год наблюдаюсь в клинике К+31. Работают ежедневно, и всегда можно подобрать удобное время для приёма. Оборудование новейшее, так что в результатах нет сомнений. Весь персонал клиники всегда отзывчив и добродушен, что для меня очень важно. Хотела бы выразить отдельную благодарность врачу-онкологу Кузнецовой Юлии Владимировне за профессионализм в разработке схемы обследования.