On May 19-21, 2021, an international scientific conference "Theory and practice of combating parasitic diseases" was held in Moscow.
The conference was attended by a gastroenterologist of the clinic K+31 - Yurieva Anna Evgenievna with the topic of the report "The microbiome of intestinal contents by histocoprological analysis and its clinical significance".
The materials of the conference were published with indexing in the RSCI and assigning DOI - Theory and practice of combating parasitic diseases: Collection of scientific articles based on the materials of the international scientific conference. Issue 22. May 19–21, 2021 Moscow / otv. ed. E. N. Indyukhova. - M.: VNIIP - branch of FGBNU FSC VIEV RAS; Publishing House "Science", 2021. - 616 p.