On June 20-23, a global symposium organized by NobelBiocare was held in the USA, New York (Waldorf Astoria Hotel). The symposium was devoted to the study of modern surgical techniques in implantology and the consideration of the features of prosthetics on dental implants.
The event was attended by over 2,000 specialists, including leading surgeons from the USA, Sweden, and Germany. The symposium was attended by specialists from the Department of Dentistry CLINICS + 31 - Head of Department A.V. Tarhanov and leading specialist in endodontics and functional diagnostics L.V. Borichevskaya. Actual issues of implantology and prosthetics were discussed for 3 days. The symposium program included the following topics:
selection of appropriate implantation and prosthetics in the absence of one or more teeth
prevention of possible complications during surgical treatment
ways to achieve the best aesthetic effect of prosthetics
the effect of implantation on overall health
a review of minimally invasive treatment methods, etc.
A workshop was also held as part of the symposium, during which professional dentists shared their clinical experience and discussed the principles of surgical treatment. During the master class, a discussion was held to examine deeper and more specific issues related to the features of implantation and prosthetics.
Symposium participants were presented with a surface developed and patented by GlobalBiocare for dental implants made of titanium oxide TiUnite. Clinical trials of TiUnite have demonstrated the ability to increase the predictability and speed of osseointegration of implants. The surface of TiUnite has the property of osteoconductivity: stimulating active bone growth on the entire surface of the dental implant and along it, accelerating the integration of the implant with the surrounding bone tissue already in the early stages of healing.
At the conclusion of the symposium, NobelBiocare organized leisure and entertainment programs.