MD PhD Sergey Obukhov - a famous neurosurgeon, a world-class specialist in the implantation of artificial intervertebral discs will conduct a consultation in Russia at the K + 31 clinic on Lobachevsky in April
You can make an appointment by phone: 8 (800) 777-31-31
MD PhD Serge Obukhoff is the founder of the Center for Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery (CMISS) in California, USA. At the same time, he conducts neurosurgical operations at UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles) and other hospitals around the world.
As a visiting professor, gives lectures at leading universities in the world. Previously held research positions in major neurosurgical centers in Europe and the USA.
The appointment is already open! Limited number of seats!
Phone for recording: 8 (800) 777 3131