In the department of ophthalmology K+31, each patient has access to highly qualified vision diagnostics.
An experienced ophthalmologist Khlunovskaya Anna Nikolaevna conducts an appointment at K+31 West, who will individually select the necessary comprehensive examination.
At the initial appointment:
In case of retinal pathology, a more detailed diagnosis is carried out, including after pupil dilation with a special preparation.
If there are risks of developing pathology, the doctor will tell you in detail about the methods of prevention. If problems are identified, the optimal treatment/correction scheme will be selected using high-quality equipment: selection of optical correction (spectacle), drug treatment.
According to the indications - a referral to laser eye microsurgery within the K+31 network.
In K+31 West, additionally, according to indications, it is possible to carry out:
Comprehensive examinations are also carried out for those who already know their diagnosis and are undergoing routine examinations for the purpose of dynamic monitoring or for those who are planning surgical treatment.