Platelets in a complete blood count (PLT)

When assessing clotting ability, the platelet count is primarily studied. These non-nuclear shaped elements are formed in the red bone marrow and constantly circulate in the vascular bed in the "standby" mode. As soon as there is a violation of the integrity of the blood vessel, they immediately go to the site of damage, surround the defect, attach to the inner surface of the vascular wall and stick together. This creates a primary platelet plug, which further strengthens and activates other clotting factors.

The body's ability to hemostasis directly depends on the PLT level, i.e. prevention of excess blood loss. Normally, their number is 180-320 * 10 9 / l. A decrease in the indicator (thrombocytopenia) is fraught with hypocoagulation and an increase in bleeding time, which is observed when:

  • Myelotoxicity (after chemotherapy, long-term antibiotic treatment);

  • Bone metastases;

  • Autoimmune platelet attack;

  • Severe viral infections (herpes, HIV);

  • Hepatitis and cirrhosis, including alcoholic genesis;

  • Hypofunction of the thyroid gland;

  • Deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12;

  • Some forms of leukemia.

Thrombocytosis or an increase in the absolute number of cells per unit volume of blood can lead to intravascular coagulation and thrombosis of vital arteries, therefore it is very important to establish such a disease in time and prevent its negative consequences. The development of such a situation is possible in the case of:

  • Malignant damage to the bone marrow (chronic myeloid leukemia), myelofibrosis, lymphoid system (lymphoma);

  • Infectious-inflammatory and autoimmune processes;

  • Malignant tumors (paraneoplastic syndrome);

  • Tuberculosis;

  • Amyloidosis;

  • Chronic bleeding or a few days after acute blood loss;

  • Removal of the spleen.

Clinically, neither thrombocytopenia nor thrombocytosis is manifested in any way, but the consequences of these conditions can be very serious. This indicates the high relevance of a preventive study of platelets, and if pathology is detected, it is imperative to consult a doctor. Usually, for a more detailed examination of the hemostasis system, a coagulogram is also prescribed.

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