Snore. What to do?

Loud sounds that a person makes involuntarily during sleep are a social problem, unlike sleep apnea. This is a real threat to the health and even life of a snorer. So why does a person snore? Physiologically, snoring is the vibration of soft tissues of the pharynx when air passes through it during sleep, mainly when breathing through the mouth.

Causes of snoring

In an active state, all human muscles are in good shape, but during sleep they relax, including the muscles of the pharynx, as a result of which the free lumen narrows. There are many reasons for this, They can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Anatomical
    • Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils.
    • Curvated nasal septum.
    • Presence of adenoids and polyps in the nasopharynx.
    • Congenital defects of the lower jaw, underdevelopment.
    • Obesity, etc.
  2. Functional
    • Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep.
    • Constant stress, nervous tension.
    • Smoking, alcohol abuse.
    • Thyroid gland dysfunction (hypothyroidism).
    • Menopause in women, etc.

Types of snoring

Doctors divide snoring into several types.

  • Isolated:
    • Episodic, may be associated with alcohol, fatigue, colds.
    • Permanent, occurs at least three times a week.
  • Complicated:
    • The lumen of the airways narrows so much that air stops flowing into the lungs, and apnea occurs - this is a complete stop of breathing during sleep.

Not every snorer develops OSA – obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, but if you don’t start on time fight snoring, the consequences can be severe.

Why is snoring dangerous?

If a person starts snoring, this means that he has problems breathing.

  • The more often the sounds of snoring are heard, the less oxygen reaches the brain. In addition, the snorer is often woken up, or he wakes up on his own, which prevents the body from recovering normally during sleep. The next day, drowsiness, fatigue, and a feeling of lack of sleep occur.
  • You should know what apnea is. This is one of the most serious consequences of snoring - temporary cessation of breathing. Due to the sharp A decrease in oxygen levels in the blood can lead to heart attack, stroke and even death. Snoring can cause the development of hypertension, heart failure and other serious diseases.
  • Children can snore too. This is often associated with the presence of adenoids and enlarged tonsils. Poor sleep is very dangerous for children. After all, it is during sleep that growth hormone is produced. If the causes of snoring are not removed, the child may develop sleep apnea. enuresis, activity and school performance will decrease, and developmental delays will appear.

That is why it is imperative to remove the reasons that interfere with normal sleep, or find a remedy for snoring that will reduce the risk of developing serious pathologies.

How to get rid of snoring?

If the habit of snoring has not yet gone too far, then you can reduce its manifestation on your own, without resorting to the help of doctors. A few simple recommendations will help you regain deep sleep for yourself and those who sleep next to you.

  • Choose the right sleeping position. It is optimal to sleep on your side, with your head on a pillow, preferably an orthopedic one.
  • Do exercises. Physical activity improves muscle tone throughout the body.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, stop smoking and alcohol, follow a daily routine.
  • Lose excess weight. Overweight people snore more often than others, since, among other things, the fat layer also affects the clearance of the airways.
  • Avoid taking sedatives and antihistamines before bed. They relax the muscles of the pharynx and provoke snoring.
  • Train your nasal breathing, perform breathing exercises.
  • Ventilate and humidify the air in the room regularly.

These preventive measures will help get rid of existing snoring and will prevent this habit from developing in healthy people.

Snoring in men and women

According to statistics, there are twice as many men who snore than women, so the question of how to get rid of snoring in a man’s sleep is correspondingly heard much more often.

Treatment of snoring and OSA

Consultation with a somnologist or otolaryngologist will help you cope with the problem. The doctor will conduct diagnostics (polysomnography, rhinomanometry, CT scan of the paranasal sinuses), find out the true causes and determine how to treat snoring. Today there are many techniques.

  • Use of various devices: mouthguards, clips, special strips that improve nasal breathing.
  • PAP therapy. The use of a special mask that is connected to a compressor that supplies air to the respiratory tract. Divided into:
    • CPAP: air is supplied into the mask through a hose in a constant mode, which provides positive pressure in the throat and prevents soft tissues from collapsing.
    • BiPAP: the sensor monitors a person’s breathing; during inhalation, the pressure of the supplied air increases, during exhalation it decreases, which imitates the natural process.
    • TriPAP: the process is controlled by reliable intelligent systems that adjust their work during the night in accordance with the characteristics of his breathing and the frequency of apnea attacks.

In case of difficulty in nasal breathing, normalization of nasal breathing is ALWAYS indicated for a patient with snoring and apnea. This not only helps reduce snoring, but also allows you to use PAP machines with greater efficiency and comfort.

If conservative snoring treatment does not give a positive result, doctors resort to surgical methods. Operations are carried out when:

  • Curvated nasal septum.
  • The presence of polyps, adenoids, tumors, hypertrophied pharyngeal or palatine tonsils.

All these operations are minimally invasive and are performed using modern endoscopic equipment. Rehabilitation is quick and almost painless, and the results will be noticeable immediately.

The possibility of operations in the pharynx depends on the severity of apnea and is always carried out only after a full examination and consultation with a somnologist.

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