Shum in the ears

oto-sluh.jpgShum in the ears (tinnitus) is a pathological condition characterized by rumour effects not associated with external acoustic stimulation. This problem occurs more often between the ages of 55 and 65 and is more related to the nervous system, rather than mechanical cutting of rumours or sound waves in the snail. According to the American Association of Oollaringologists, in 45 per cent of cases, Tinnitos is diagnosed in patients with cognitive disorders, hypertonic disease, dislipidemia, etc.

Causes of noise in the ears

According to the International Classification of ICD-10 Diseases, ear noise is classified as " ears and pinewood " . Most of the Orangers consider that Tinnitus is not an autonomous disease, but only a symptom indicating violations in other bodies and systems.

According to practical observations, noise in ears may be caused by the following pathological conditions and diseases:

  • Aeroscclerosis of receptacles;
  • rumour neurosis;
  • Sclerosis removed;
  • Hypotyreosis;
  • Sulphur ear samples;
  • acoustic injuries;
  • Labyrinthitis;
  • Average vault;
  • Menier;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • sugar diabetes;
  • Injuries of the temporal joint;
  • cervical osteoundrosis;
  • Brain bleed;
  • The pathology of the hearing sky;
  • Neurosensor stunning.

Abuse of tricyclic anti-depressants, antibiotics and diarrhoetic injuries occurs.

Symptomatic painting

oto-sluh2.jpgLabel effects are subjective, so it is difficult to measure them through existing audiometric tests. Medical practice uses a qualitative classification of the severity of the disease from " light " to " disaster " . It is based on practical complications and the degree of discomfort caused by tinnitus.

By entering absolute silence, a man can feel a weak background walk in his ears. But such rumours go fast and have no impact on the quality of life or hearing. Patients with Tinnitos may complain about the following symptoms:

  • Accentuation of stroll before sleep;
  • Insomnia;
  • Reduction of hearing;
  • Dispersal;
  • Decreased mood;
  • Depressive state.

oto-sluh3.jpgThe increase in the intensity of walking in the ears leads to an even greater concentration of people on the problem, which affects their ability to work and quality of life. Untimely resorting to an offsurgent could lead to a deterioration in psycho-emotion and depression. Medical practices have even registered suicides, which have caused catastrophic tinnitus.

Tinnitus classification

Tinnitus is classified in off-allingology by rumour intensity, current duration, secondary symptomatic expression and noise effects. Clinical medicine is most often used in the first classification by which the patient ' s progress and self-esteem are assessed.

Tinnitus noise classification:

  • 1 degree - hearing effects are not visible and do not affect work capacity;
  • 2 degrees - hearing effects are clearly expressed and reinforced before sleeping;
  • 3 degrees - hearing effects are constantly disturbing, disrupting dreams and reducing the quality of life;
  • 4 degrees - hearing effects are severe, significantly impairing work capacity and constantly reaching the patient.

With decompensated Tinnitus (3 and 4 degrees), ear noise has a serious impact on all spheres of life. The patient can't cope with the noise effects on his own, which makes his mental state worse. The late treatment leads to secondary symptoms, problems with focus, increased alarm, sleep disorder, depression, etc.


oto-sluh4.jpgThe preliminary diagnosis of the Tinnitus is the visual examination of the hearing passage and the patient ' s complaints.

Depending on the anamnasis, the following types of hardware survey may be appointed:

  • Tonne threshold audiometry - verification of hearing analyser functions by means of a listening device;
  • Orientation of the temporal area - sounding in the field of surface artery receptacles at the whiskey level (used only in hypertonic disease);
  • The excavation is a visual examination of the hearing channel and the ear wire by means of a frontal reflexor, ear plug and light source.

When oncological and intra-currency injuries are suspected, a doctor may designate an MRI or X-ray. The photos obtained determine the existence of bone deformations or anomalies as well as tumours.

Methods for treating noise in ears

Tinnitus medicine does not provide patients with much relief, as pathogenic and ethotropic drugs do not exist to date. Only a doctor can determine the most appropriate course of therapy after the reasons for ear noise. In practice, the following conservative methods of treatment of tinnitus are used to improve patients ' self-reliance:

  • physiotherapy;
  • rumbling;
  • Psychotherapy courses;
  • Reflexherapy;
  • Audiomakers.

oto-sluh5.jpgDecompensated forms of disease are treated with anti-retroviral and sedatives. Cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy is often used to improve the mental condition of patients.

In modern clinics for the treatment of tinnitus, hyperbaric toxication is used, but physiotherapy is relatively low. The expressions of rumours can only be substantially reduced if the causes of their occurrence are eliminated, which can only be determined by an offsurgent.


The noise in the ears is a disturbing sign indicating a violation of the functions of organs of endocrine, propulsion, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems. The rumour effects are often the result of acoustic injuries and the closing of the hearing channel of the earring. The treatment of ear noise is to clarify and address the reasons for its occurrence. In order to improve patients ' self-reliance, physiotherapy and medicines can be used.

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