What tests need to be collected by a couple for IVF

kakiean1.jpg Before entering into the protocol of in vitro fertilization (IVF), the couple must pass all the necessary types of tests. According to their results, experts assess the degree of preparedness of the body for bearing a fetus and delivery. Laboratory and instrumental research reveals contraindications to medical procedures, possible risks and limitations, as well as the need for additional infertility treatment.

Why are tests important?

The IVF procedure is not performed without a preliminary examination of the married couple. The first thing that a comprehensive diagnosis establishes is the possibility of conceiving and bearing a fetus within 9 months. To determine the degree of preparedness of the body for pregnancy and childbirth, it is necessary to be examined by several highly specialized doctors:

  • endocrinologist;
  • reproductive specialist;
  • gynecologist;
  • urologist;
  • andrologist;
  • surgeon, etc.

After the exclusion of serious diseases in the couple, they begin a detailed study of the functional capabilities of the reproductive system. Specialists determine the causes of infertility, diagnose and treat diseases that prevent the conception and bearing of a child.

kakiean2.jpg Both a woman and a man can suffer from infertility, therefore, both spouses must undergo an examination before IVF. The principles of treatment are determined by the results of laboratory and instrumental studies. The received data will depend on:

  • selection of the optimal protocol;
  • methods of treating infertility;
  • features of carrying out physiotherapy procedures;
  • selection of the necessary medical procedures.

No reproductive clinic will undertake the treatment of infertility patients without a preliminary examination. Taking tests and developing an individual strategy for managing patients increases the chances of a successful conception and the course of pregnancy.

Mandatory examination

Before entering the IVF protocol, a married couple must undergo several types of examinations. Some types of tests have a limited period of validity (up to 1 month), so 90% of them must be taken immediately before the procedure.

Mandatory tests for a woman

To determine the current state of the patient, the specialists of the reproductive center assign a basic list of tests. In general, the list of necessary examinations for a woman includes the delivery of urine, blood and a smear from the genitals.

Blood test for:

  • Rh factor and group;
  • immunoglobulins (antibodies) to TORCH infections;
  • immunoglobulins to HIV, hepatitis B and C, the causative agent of syphilis;
  • herpes virus immunoglobulins;

Additionally, blood is donated for clinical and biochemical analysis. The list of mandatory examinations includes a coagulogram, with the help of which the blood coagulation rate is determined.

kakiean3.jpg Genital swab:

  • a smear for PCR testing for herpes virus, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • microscopic examination of biomaterial from the cervical and urethral canals, vagina;
  • cytological examination of smears from the cervical canal.

Functional diagnostics:

  • fluorography;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;
  • ECG;
  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound of the thymus;
  • echocardiography.

Urine tests:

  • general analysis.

kakiean4.jpg Consultations of highly specialized doctors:

  • appointment with an oncologist-mammologist (you must take the results of an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography with you);
  • the conclusion of the therapist about the general condition of the patient: the possibility of infertility therapy and trouble-free bearing of the child.

In the absence of absolute contraindications to IVF, the patient is prescribed a course of infertility treatment. Its duration depends on the causes of violations in the reproductive system.

Mandatory tests for men

Both spouses should be examined, because in 30% of cases, problems with conception are associated with dysfunction of the reproductive system in both partners. Previously, men consult with an urologist-andrologist, who conducts an initial examination and prescribes the necessary types of examinations for the patient.

kakiean5.jpg Blood test for:

  • Rh factor and group;
  • herpes virus immunoglobulins;
  • immunoglobulins to hepatitis B and C;
  • immunoglobulins for syphilis and HIV.

Urethral swab:

  • smear for PCR examination for herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, ureaplasma, mycoplasma;
  • microscopic examination.

Semen analysis:

  • MAR test;
  • spermogram.

A week before taking sperm tests, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, limit the intake of alcoholic beverages and refuse to visit the bath or sauna. With the results of tests and analyzes obtained, the patient should come for a consultation with an andrologist.

Preparing spouses for IVF

kakiean6.jpg After the doctors make the decision to join the IVF protocol, the parents-to-be will have to radically change their lifestyle for the next few months. This is especially true for patients, since the effectiveness of IVF will largely depend on their behavior and compliance with medical recommendations. For the procedure to be successful, you must:

  1. avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  2. minimize stress;
  3. give up smoking and drinking alcohol;
  4. consult your doctor before taking any medications;
  5. exclude harmful products from the diet (sweets, smoked meats, fatty foods).

Men are advised not to have sexual intercourse a few days before sperm analysis. They should also limit alcohol intake and refrain from smoking. Addictions negatively affect spermatogenesis, which may subsequently affect the viability of embryos cultured in an artificial environment.


All IVF programs are preceded by a thorough examination and preparation of the couple for conception. If a serious illness is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment, the passage of which increases the chances of success in in vitro fertilization. The better the body is prepared for conceiving and bearing a fetus, the easier it will be for pregnancy and childbirth.

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