ENT diseases: when is the help of an otoneurologist and phoniatrist required?

The specificity of ENT diseases requires the involvement of specialized specialists for each individual case. Sometimes pathology requires the doctor to have knowledge of other medical areas, as in the case of an otoneurologist, or contacting a dacryologist - a doctor whose main specialty is ophthalmology.


Doctors in this area diagnose and treat pathologies of the inner ear. Otoneurology combines two important areas in medicine – otorhinolaryngology and neurology.

When should you contact an otoneurologist?

You need to make an appointment with a specialist if you have the following symptoms:

  • Episodic or constant dizziness, noise, ringing in the ears.
  • Headaches due to hearing impairment.
  • Problems with coordination of movements, shaky and uncertain gait.
  • Impaired hearing, taste, smell.
  • Spontaneous movements of the eyeballs (nystagmus).

Any of these symptoms may be a sign of a serious disease, not only of the inner ear, but also of the brain, so you should not delay visiting an otoneurologist.

What does an otoneurologist treat?

The doctor examines the patient to identify signs of vestibulopathy or other pathologies:

  • Meniere's disease.
  • Dizziness of various origins.
  • Vestibular neuronitis, etc.

People most often turn to an otoneurologist with hearing impairment, vestibular impairment, and dizziness. Depending on the diagnosis, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Conservative treatment.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy, including hyperbaric oxygenation.

In some cases, when conservative treatment does not produce results and there is a threat to the life and health of the patient, surgical intervention is performed.


Phoniatrics is a narrower area of otorhinolaryngology, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies of the vocal apparatus. A phoniatrist helps restore the voice, improve its quality, and treats diseases of the larynx. First of all, people engaged in creative activities, for whom the voice is inextricably linked with their profession, need his help:

  • Veers, artists, television and radio presenters, announcers.
  • Journalists, reporters, political and public figures.
  • Kindergarten teachers, school teachers, university teachers.
  • Trainers, coaches.
  • Guides, tour guides, lecturers.

It is very important for them that the vocal cords work normally, so visiting a specialist is often preventative.

When is the help of a phoniatrist needed?

A person has no nerve endings on his vocal cords, so pain does not occur in any pathology. You can find out about existing problems only by indirect signs. If you have:

  • Long experience as a smoker.
  • Periodically the voice becomes weak or disappears, especially towards the end of the day.
  • Hoarseness has appeared.
  • I have problems swallowing and suffer from heartburn.
  • I can’t raise my voice.

Then you already have a reason to make an appointment with a phoniatrist. Voice disorder, if left untreated, can even lead to to loss of ability to work. Periodic examination of children by this ENT specialist is of great importance, especially boys in adolescence, when the voice “breaks.”

What and how does a phoniatrist treat?

Pathologies for which people turn to an ENT doctor for phoniatrics:

  • Acute or chronic laryngitis.
  • Laryngeal neoplasms - cysts, polyps, fibromas, etc.
  • Laryngeal stenosis.
  • Voice disorders after surgery on the larynx or thyroid gland.
  • Dissatisfaction with voice timbre.

In each individual case, the doctor looks at how to restore the vocal cords or laryngeal function, and then develops an individual treatment regimen. It may include inhalations, drug infusions, physiotherapy, etc. The voice can also be restored using a set of special voice and breathing exercises - phonopedia.

If the cause of voice loss is scars or tumors on the vocal cords and larynx, the doctor removes them surgically. Thanks to modern microsurgical equipment, after the use of phonosurgery, it is possible to shorten the process of rehabilitation and recovery of the patient and restore his ability to speak.

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