Correct actions taken by a couple before insemination increase the likelihood of a successful completion of the procedure.
Male artificial insemination preparation
Before the procedure at the K + 31 Clinic, it is necessary to carry out a spermogram and a MAR test to determine whether the characteristics of the cell elements of the ejaculate correspond to the requirements necessary for successful fertilization.
K + 31 has its own laboratory, which allows the specialists of our clinic in the shortest possible time to identify any discrepancies with normal indicators and prescribe a therapy that corrects the basic parameters of sperm and stimulates active sperm production. If an autoimmune factor of infertility is detected in the form of antisperm antibodies, the doctor may recommend artificial insemination as the most acceptable way for a married couple to conceive a child.
Additional studies may include checking the urethral smear for the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (herpes, myco-, ureaplasma, chlamydia), blood tests to determine group affiliation, Rh factor, and identify dangerous infectious diseases (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C).
During the one week period before the donation of semen for artificial insemination by a man, the general recommendations of specialists should be followed.
Preparing for seminal fluid delivery
To improve the quality of sperm, before performing artificial insemination, a man should:
- Avoid being in too hot (bath, sauna, hot bath) and cold conditions;
- Reduce the intensity of physical activity;
- Avoid stressful situations, nervous strain;
- Do not abstain from sexual relations for more than 2-3 days (long intervals between sexual intercourse lead to a deterioration in sperm counts);
- Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking (if it is impossible to completely quit cigarettes, reduce their number).
On the day of artificial insemination, a man must come to the Clinic "K + 31" one and a half hours before the time appointed for his wife and give the ejaculate. With oligospermia, it is possible to donate sperm in several steps, followed by its purification, concentration and cryopreservation.
Freezing the ejaculate makes it possible to donate sperm on a day acceptable for a man, if it is impossible to visit the reproductive center on the day of fertilization, and its use at the appointed time.
Woman's actions before
Before AI (artificial insemination), the expectant mother should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis (as well as before IVF) to identify any pathologies or infectious pathologies that interfere with normal fertilization and pregnancy. With timely diagnosis and high-quality treatment of the disease, the factors that interfere with artificial insemination and bearing a healthy child are quickly eliminated.
Examination of the female body before the fertilization procedure includes:
- Study of blood composition, determining the group, the content of Rh-protein, the presence of factors indicating the presence of an immunodeficiency virus, causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases, hepatitis B and C, TORCH infections;
- Cytological analysis of a smear for pathogenic microflora, the presence of oncological cells, genital infectious diseases;
- Study of biochemical parameters and blood clotting factors;
- Examination by a mammologist, endocrinologist, therapist;
- Ultrasound examination of the thyroid and mammary glands, fluorography, echo and electrocardiogram.
The same procedures are recommended by gynecologists when planning conception in a natural way, to prevent negative phenomena that accompany pregnancy and affect the intrauterine development of the child.
When ejaculate is injected during natural ovulation, a woman needs to visit a reproductive specialist several times (2-3) for ultrasound monitoring of the phases of the menstrual cycle and the growth of follicles. A qualified specialist of the K + 31 Clinic will establish and appoint the most favorable time for the introduction of ejaculate into the uterine cavity.
When ovulating with medication, more frequent visits to the doctor are necessary to monitor follicle ripening and adjust the dosage of medications. The approach of ovulation is also a signal for setting a date for the manipulation.
Preparing a woman for artificial insemination
To increase the chances of a successful conception, a woman is advised to:
- Refuse from drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking;
- Avoid stress and hard physical activity;
- Reception of drugs recommended by a leading specialist that increase the level of hemoglobin and help reduce the risk of intrauterine pathologies;
- For a few days before the procedure, avoid sexual intercourse due to the risk of premature ovulation;
- Maintain a positive attitude and believe in good results.
Following simple guidelines is the best that a married couple can do in order to soon become happy parents of their own baby!