
You can often hear another name for angina - acute tonsillitis. An acute infectious disease, primarily affecting the tonsils. Any microorganisms (both bacteria and viruses, and even fungi) can provoke the occurrence of sore throat. But the primacy among the causative agents of angina rightfully belongs to streptococci, which enter the human body after contact with the patient or his household items.

There is another scenario for the occurrence of angina - when microorganisms that normally live quietly in a person's throat, under the influence of unfavorable circumstances, are activated, causing a sore throat. Such circumstances include hypothermia (both general and local), decreased immunity, impaired nasal breathing (diseases of the nasopharynx), infections from bad teeth, etc.

The main thing that everyone must remember: angina is extremely contagious and both the patient himself and his environment must be very careful, observe safety rules, especially when it comes to the illness of children or complex forms of the disease.

Sore throat symptoms

The symptoms of angina are quite diverse. So, there are quite typical symptoms that are very common and directly indicate a sore throat. And there are atypical or individual, which may be characteristic of other diseases. Let's dwell on the most common ones:

  • elevated body temperature (over 38 degrees);
  • sore throat (especially when swallowing);
  • the formation of abscesses on the tonsils (visible during the initial examination);
  • an inflammatory process in the area of the tonsils and pharynx (also visible with the naked eye);
  • a general weak condition (malaise is one of the main symptoms of angina, although not quite typical);
  • joint aches (not always);
  • enlarged lymph nodes (not always).

It is important to understand the main thing: the listed symptoms may occur all at the same time, or they may not have at all (at least, in the patient's opinion), they may resemble a common cold. So, the throat with angina is red and painful, but not always. Hence the conclusion - a cold that lasts more than five days should push you to see a doctor.

In children

Children suffer from angina much more often than adults. And the reason for this is simple - children attend children's groups, where there are all conditions for the spread of infection. Let's add here diseases of the ENT organs that provoke angina, also constant companions of children (primarily due to age-related physiological characteristics). The most common viral sore throat in children, but bacterial sore throat, staphylococcal sore throat, and even herpetic sore throat may well occur.

It should also be remembered that children's immunity is much weaker in comparison with adults, the liver is not more perfect, and the effect of antibiotics is more undesirable for it. That is why all parents wishing to preserve children's health, at the slightest suspicion, should seek medical help in order to minimize the risks and consequences.

Speaking of angina, psychosomatics can also play an important role. So, psychologists suggest that the reason for the occurrence of angina in a child may well be the lack of the opportunity to express his opinion, to talk about what he does not like. Parents, we recommend that you pay attention to this curious fact.

In adults

Although the body of an adult is much stronger in comparison with a child's, and immunity is stronger, it is not even easy for him to transfer a sore throat. Especially if there is an untimely appeal to a specialist or inadequate treatment.

More than unpleasant is angina during breastfeeding, when the antibiotics necessary for treatment can get to the baby through the mother's milk and harm him. That is why pregnant and lactating women should be even more careful, and if necessary, immediately consult a doctor, who is obliged to make the most appropriate decisions according to the situation.


Modern medical science identifies quite a few types of tonsillitis, to understand which is the prerogative of specialists. Within the framework of this discourse, we will consider several of its main forms: catarrhal, follicular, lacunar and necrotic.

Each type of sore throat differs from others in the degree and depth of damage to the tonsils themselves, as well as in the localization of the inflammatory process.

With angina, the incubation period can range from 10 hours to several days. The very second name of angina "acute tonsillitis" indicates an acute onset of the disease (a sharp jump in body temperature, pain in the throat, etc.)

Catarrhal sore throat

The lightest form. A superficial lesion of the tonsils indicates a catarrhal form. The patient almost always does not feel very bad - the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees, the tests show little or no changes in the blood. On examination, the doctor discovers inflammation in the tonsils, pharynx, palate. And after a couple of days everything goes away and the patient recovers (perhaps without knowing that he had a sore throat), or the disease turns into another, more persistent form.

Follicular tonsillitis

Simply put - purulent tonsillitis. With follicular angina, the almond follicles are affected. The tonsils themselves are very swollen, suppuration appears on them (all this is visible to the doctor during the examination). But purulent plaque is localized exclusively within the tonsils.

Lacunar sore throat

It is logical that this form is characterized by the defeat of the almond lacunae, which are pronounced, dilated, edematous. Purulent plaque spreads over all tonsils, has a loose or film structure, but is easily separated and does not cause bleeding.

Necrotizing tonsillitis

The most difficult and dangerous form. The patient feels very bad (from severe fever to vomiting and loss of consciousness). A blood test indicates acute leukocytosis, and ESR is greatly increased. There is a strong purulent plaque of various structures, which, in addition to the tonsils themselves, also extends to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, palate, etc. When the purulent plaque is rejected, necrosis remains on the tonsils, in the pharynx and in the mouth (hence the name).


The main cause of sore throat is contact with the source of infection (that is, the patient). As noted, the disease has a very high prevalence, so the risk of getting sick after exposure is very high. Another possible reason is a malfunction in the body (other infections, hypothermia, etc.), as a result of which immunity decreases, and microorganisms present in the pharynx are activated. As a conclusion - contact with patients with angina should be avoided, and in all possible ways to increase the body's defenses.


Let's make a reservation right away: only a doctor should deal with the diagnosis of angina. The therapist is also able to diagnose an explicit angina, but it is better to turn to a narrow specialist - an otolaryngologist. In most cases, ordinary laryngoscopy (a detailed examination of the mucous membranes of the throat) is sufficient, but additional tests may be needed (with their help, you can determine the root cause of angina).

Complications and consequences

In order not to once again scare you with the possible consequences of angina, we immediately note: in most cases, when the patient consulted a doctor on time and began to receive adequate treatment on time, angina passes without complications. But you still have to know about the possible risks. So, the consequences and complications can be both local (local) and general.


  • abscesses;
  • laryngeal edema;
  • bleeding in the tonsils and others.

The general ones include:

  • the occurrence of chronic angina;
  • damage to internal organs: kidneys, liver, heart, gastrointestinal tract. So, often after a complex sore throat, appendicitis becomes inflamed;
  • rheumatism;
  • meningitis;
  • infectious toxic shock;
  • the most serious is blood poisoning (sepsis), which can even lead to death.

And again, it is appropriate to remind that self-medication in case of a sore throat is unacceptable.

Sore throat treatment

The main rules for the treatment of angina:

1. Self-medication in case of tonsillitis is unacceptable (at least in view of serious risks and complications). If some "home", "folk" remedies and procedures are still acceptable, then they should either be recommended by the attending physician, or be agreed with him.

2. In the treatment of angina, the most important thing is to choose the right antibiotics.

3. The choice of an antibiotic is the sole task of a specialist, that is, a doctor.

Hence the main conclusion - there should always be a doctor between you and a sore throat, and at the slightest suspicion, we turn to the doctor. Any self-medication methods must be agreed with the attending physician, and are far from secondary to antibiotic therapy.

For his part, the patient must:

  • strictly follow the doctor's instructions;
  • eat varied and fully (drink more fluids);
  • more rest (in difficult cases, hospitalization is required);
  • the use of analgesics is quite acceptable (at temperatures above 38 degrees, painful conditions). It is better if they are also prescribed by a doctor.

It is equally important that treatment can be stopped only with the permission of the attending physician, even if the patient feels completely recovered, in order to avoid relapses and complications.

The International Medical Center "K + 31 Clinic" employs highly qualified specialists (both broad and narrow) who will provide you with qualified assistance and minimize the possible consequences of angina. There is everything for recovery - the best doctors, a high level of diagnostic equipment, the most modern medical facilities, comfortable conditions and European service. Turning to the "Clinic K + 31", you can always be sure that you will receive the best treatment.

Prevention of sore throat

As already mentioned, the best preventive measures against this disease are:

  1. Minimization of contacts with the focus of infection (first of all, for patients with angina). If contact cannot be avoided, it is necessary to take all safety measures (during contact, wear a mask, after it - rinse the nasopharynx and others).
  2. Work on increasing immunity (both general and local).
  3. Try to be calm about everything. Angina, if you approach it wisely, is far from the worst disease in life, which is being successfully treated today. The main thing is to contact a competent specialist.

Question answer

Question: Can there be angina without fever?

Answer: Of course, yes. Doctors even talk about the existence of such a specific form of the disease. So, with catarrhal angina, the body temperature may not rise at all. That is why we recommend that you pay attention to other symptoms of the disease in order to prevent the transition from a mild stage of the disease to a more complex one.

Question: Can I smoke with angina?

Answer: The question is not entirely correct, since smoking itself is dangerous for human health. As for smoking during a sore throat, although there is no direct relationship here, the bad habit definitely aggravates the patient's condition, and contributes to the prolongation of the recovery period (since it inhibits the body's immune defenses, additionally irritates the throat mucosa, etc.)

Question: How is angina transmitted from person to person?

Answer: From person to person, angina is transmitted by airborne droplets. That is, the greatest likelihood of contracting a sore throat is during a conversation with a patient. But completely harmful microorganisms can get from a sick person to a healthy person and through objects that have been in contact with the sick person.

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