Women ' s preparation for ECO is one of the key ingredients for successful treatment of infertility through supportive reproductive technologies (STIs). Analysing and conducting a computer survey reveals and eliminates many obstacles to the conception and dumping of a child. Diagnostic results should be provided by a patient before entering the ECO protocol.
What do you want to do the tests?
An integrated survey of women is a prerequisite for further infertility therapy with ECO. The results of analyses, tests and machine diagnostics determine the degree of preparation of the female organism for the conception and safe delivery of the child. When detecting pathologies, treatment is provided, which increases the chances of a successful ECO.
All types of examinations that take place before ECO can be divided into two categories:
- Compulsory analyses are made by all women, without exception, who plan eclipses with the help of the ERT;
- Additional analyses are made when certain irregularities are detected in the functioning of vital bodies.
Comprehensive diagnostics are not a need for a specialist. The results of the survey reveal the pathology of the reproductive system and determine the cause of infertility. Only then will the doctor be able to develop the most appropriate treatment scheme to increase the chances of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child.
Basic survey methods
The success of the ECO procedure is determined by the causes of the decline in female fertility and the correctness of the diagnosis. Infertility can be caused by many negative factors that can be identified only in the patient ' s examination. The impossibility of conception may be caused by the dysfunction of ovarians, the impossibility of pulp pipes, endocrine disorders, chronic inflammation in genitalia, etc.
In order to identify the causes of infertility, women have the following diagnostic methods:
- Inspection and consultation of a gynaecologist-reproductologist;
- Laboratory tests of blood, urine, malformation;
- Tool survey (hysteroscopy, Pipell Biopsy);
- Consultation of related specialists (mammolog, therapist, endocrinologist, surgeon, immunologist);
- Technical survey (hysterosalpingography, SLM of small pelagic bodies).
The main purpose of diagnostics is to determine the causes of infertility. In clarifying the diagnosis, the specialist will be able to obtain the most effective treatment for pregnancy either naturally or with the help of the RRT.
Laboratory analyses
According to one analysis, it is not possible to determine the reason for reducing female fertility. In order to obtain a holistic picture of the patient ' s state of health, the specialist has selected several types of analysis.
hormonal analysis
The correct functioning of the reproductive system depends on the ability of the sex and other endocrine organs. In this regard, women are appointed to give blood to determine the concentration of several hormones:
- Field hormones♪ Several hormones influence the menstrual cycle and ovulation: progesteron, estrogen, testosterone, folliculcimulicular and fluteinizing hormones. The peripheral reserve of sexual iron reflects the blood content of the anti-muller hormone (AG). In order to detect deviations in the reproductive system, patients are applying a purely nasal hormonal sex analysis on different days of the cycle;
- Pilot iron hormones♪ Changes in thyroid hormone have a negative impact on the formation of follikules and ovulation. It is recommended that the ceiling be applied in the morning hours;
- Corps of Chests♪ The fluctuation of the hormonal level of the kidneys has a negative impact on the products of the cervical slime. In addition, their lack could lead to delays in the vulture and menstrual cycle.
Blood analysis
Before ECO, women are given two types of blood tests:
- Biochemical means the content of the general protein, urea, albumina, potassium, cholesterol, etc. The analysis assesses the functioning of the patient ' s internal bodies;
- Clinical - determines the concentration of formed blood cells and hemoglobin. As a result, inflammatory reactions can be found.
Infection analysis
According to statistics, more than 30 per cent of women entering the reproductive health centre cannot have a child because of the development of sexual infections. Inflammation in reproductive organs leads to the inappropriateness of fallopy pipes and the disruption of ovary functions. Other infections can have a negative impact on the development of the fruit and lead to self-selective abortion.
Infectious diseases are analyzed during vegetation (tested to antibodies for disease foils) and slimy genital oil (PCR diagnostic).
This type of survey enables the velocity of blood cuts to be assessed, which will further determine the likelihood of internal bleeding and other hemorrhagic complications.
Other survey methods
In addition to testing, women undergo an instrumental and functional diagnostic survey, which includes the following types of diagnostics:
- Fluorography - lung survey to detect an open or closed form of tuberculosis;
- EKG - Determining the functional state of the heart in terms of the electric potential of a myocard;
- The small pelagic pelvis is a study of the sexual iron, uterine and inner space of the small pelvis to detect spacing processes and other pathologies;
- Pipel beiopsy, endometric fabrication for further study of the athypical cells;
- Echohysteroscopy is a matchbone survey to detect endometry polypses, spacs and other intrauterine pathologies.
After all types of examination, the patient is sent with results to therapist. The doctor carefully examines the results of hardware and laboratory research, after which he issues a health report. And only if there is no opposition, a patient is allowed to be admitted to an ECO protocol.
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