Analyses for female eggs or sperm donor

anadon1.jpgECO programmes, using donor sperm or oxidation (kitclecture) are used for many statements. The donor ' s seed fluid is used in the absence of spermatodes in the ejaculate (azoopermia) and severe hereditary diseases. The need to use donor oxidation may be related to natural menopause, the disgenesity of gonades, the reduction of the contingency reserve, etc.

Before entering the ECO protocol, women are fully diagnosed with a range of analyses. Based on the results of the survey, the reproductive techologist assesses the willingness of the female organism to conceive and plant pregnancy. If there is a disease, the patient is given treatment that increases the chances of success of the ECO.

Analyses for women before ECO with donor oxidation

ECO with donor eggs are among the most used methods for supporting reproductive technologies (HRTs). This technology is used in hereditary pathologies, inferiority of own eggs, natural menopause, ovary depletion, etc.

What's the egg donor doing?

Only a perfectly healthy woman with at least one child can be a donor of oxidation. Prior to the deposit of biomaterials in the oxidation bank, it provides a range of analyses:

  • genetic research;
  • Blood analysis on TB, syphilis, hepatitis, AIDS;
  • The swab from the retinal and church channel and the vagina to the purity of the flora;
  • A cytological analysis of the swab from the church channel;
  • Coagulogram;
  • Blood analysis (clinical, biochemical).

In order to prevent a recurrence, the choice of donor oxidation takes into account rubber and spouse and donor.

What kind of analysis does the patient get in front of ECO with donor oxidation?

anadon2.jpgBefore entering the ECO report with the donor ' s oxidation, the spouses are subject to a standard survey, most of which are analyses. After consultation, the patient ' s gynaecologist is sent to the following analysis:

  • Blood analysis for general infections;
  • Coagulogram;
  • Blood biochemical analysis;
  • Immunoglobulina analysis for hepatitis, syphilis and herpes;
  • BTV analysis;
  • Blood clinical analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Smoke from the retinal channel for PCR diagnostics;
  • Microscopic and cytological study of lysis-based biomaterials.

Laboratory studies reveal deviations in the functioning of reproductive organs and assess the probability of untested fetus. Where necessary, the patient is receiving a course of therapy aimed at normalizing the reproductive system and the whole body.

Analyses for women before ECO with an ejaculated donor

Sperm donation is used with the low quality of the partner ' s ejaculat and genetic diseases. Very often, unmarried women who do not have a sexual partner are using ECO with a seed liquid. Depending on the functional condition of the patient ' s reproductive system, the sperm of the donor may be used for ICS, ECO or artificial insemination.

What's the sperm donor doing?

anadon3.jpgReproductive and embryos are responsible for choosing sperm donors. Before biomaterials are delivered, they are diagnosed in an integrated manner, which assesses the quality of the ejaculate and its potential for donor use. Sperm donor men are required to undertake the following types of surveys:

  • Inspection of therapist, urologist and psychiatrist;
  • Citogenetic research;
  • Genetic study (cariotification);
  • Blood analysis for general and sexual infections;
  • Study of smear from the retinal canal on ureaplasmosis, chlamideosis, cytomegal virus infection, gonorrhea, herpes.

In addition, donors undergo MAP testing and sperm. If necessary, they are assigned additional analyses - extended sperm, biochemistry, sperm planting, etc.

What kind of tests does a patient get in front of ECO with a sperm donor?

anadon4.jpgAs with donorm oxidation, women are given standard diagnostics which include:

  • Blood biochemical analysis;
  • Infection analysis;
  • Hemostasiogram;
  • Blood clinical analysis;
  • Flora purity, etc.

Additional analyses may be made to detect violations of reproductive organs or endocrine systems:

  • Blood analysis on hormones (semi-, vocal iron and renal);
  • Markers;
  • Genetic blood analysis;
  • Immunological study;
  • allergic panels;
  • hysological endometric research.

These analyses identify diseases that may cause self-induced abortion, the pathological development of the fruit or premature birth. Their identification and treatment improves the chances of a successful conception and a healthy period of gestation.

What other tests might be needed?

anadon5.jpgAfter 35 years of age, women intending to become mothers with donor sperms should be further diagnosed with medico-genetics. With age, the likelihood of altering the structure of genes increases, so the risk of birth of children with chromosome pathologies increases. If the use of the patient ' s own egg is planned during the ECO, it should first provide analyses such as:

  • Cariothip analysis is a cytogenetical study that can detect structural changes in chromosome set;
  • Medicine-genetic diagnostics are a methodology for detecting DNA disorders.

Special analyses suggest that the child is likely to develop Down syndrome, mukoviscidosis, chromosome translocation, neurosensoric carnage, hemophilia, etc.


Before the ECO procedure, women must give a number of tests by which reproductive health professionals assess the degree of preparation of the organism for pregnancy. In the case of donor sperm or oxidation, the list of mandatory surveys does not change. Additional analyses may be required when diseases and abuses are detected in reproductive bodies. Women after 35 years of age are necessarily subject to medical and genetic diagnostics.

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